‘Five per cent’ topples at last

The State Government has finally accepted the recommendation of the Inspector General for Emergency Management to scrap the policy of burning five per cent of public land each year. The government will instead pursue a risk assessment policy.

The new policy is outlined in a 20 page colour document entitled Safer together: a new approach to reducing the risk of bushfire in Victoria. It can be found here.

The new approach will be delivered in three stages. DELWP expresses it as follows:

‘ · From 1 July 2016, the Government will apply a risk reduction target
for fuel management on public land.
‘ · In 2017-18, land and fire agencies will partner with communities to
manage fuel loads across public and private land in the highest risk
‘· Ultimately, we will apply a risk based approach to all bushfire
management strategies, working as one fire management sector, so we
can invest in the most effective ways to reduce risk.’

The new policy is not a panacea for bushfire control, though it’s preferable to its unlamented predecessor. It’s significant that the policy has been announced on the same day that DELWP revealed that the Lancefield escaped reduction burn disaster was caused by a failure in risk assessment and resourcing. In other words, good decisions still have to be made, and their implementation still has to be properly resourced.

What are the prospects for the new Risk Assessment approach? We’ll have a look at this question over the next week.

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“Mum look out, don’t touch!”

A recent visit to our local patch and bush cubby saw a near miss for me and the realisation that the bush in Campbells Creek seems in distress. On our way up the trunk of our unusual, almost horizontal Candlebark ’friend’, my daughter said, “Mum look out, don’t touch!”

Her six year old eyes, sharper than mine, had spotted a Cup Moth caterpillar or Doratifera sp.

She was right in warning me, the caterpillars, often known as ‘stingers’ or ‘stinging joeys’ have  spines that can inflict a sharp and painful sting, rather like a nettle. When I looked around I noticed there were many caterpillars of the same species heading up the trunk and into the canopy, which appears much more open than usual, presumably they were heading for lunch.


Cup-moth caterpillar. Photo by John Ellis

Cup Moths are forest insects and at times have been responsible for severe damage to Eucalypts in Victoria. Sometimes they also become pests on garden trees, especially fruit trees such as apricots, apples and cherries. Back in August 2012 FOBIF reported finding the Cup Moth in a large tract of defoliation in the south end of the shire.  

Cup moths belong to a small group of moths that have unusual slug-like caterpillars with clusters of spines on their bodies that are often beautifully marked and coloured. Their name comes from the cup shaped cocoons made by the caterpillars when they pupate.

Young caterpillars feed by skeletonising the leaves while older caterpillars eat the whole leaf often leaving only the midrib.


Defoliated trees along the Castlemaine-Muckleford-Road

It is the caterpillar (larval) stage that causes the damage. Many leaves are completely or partially eaten and many more are cut off and fall to the ground. Caterpillars are usually present in small numbers but sporadic outbreaks may cause severe damage with trees completely defoliated over a large area. However, unless attacks occur over 3-4 successive years the trees usually recover.  

Long time resident the late Doug Ralph responded to our 2012 post by recounting an outbreak ten years prior and a long break in occurrence in between. These recent attacks coupled with the very dry weather though may have a more serious effect on the health and survival of the trees.

Cup Moth caterpillars are very susceptible to viral diseases and sometimes entire populations are killed. Viral disease is the most common natural control of Cup Moth caterpillars. Outbreaks of disease usually occur when weather conditions are warm and humid and when there is overcrowding and shortage of food. Affected caterpillars stop feeding and the body swells with the body contents liquefying and the skin eventually splits and releases the contents over the leaves. Other caterpillars can then become infected.

Natural predators can include parasites, wasps, flies and occasionally, birds.

It is distressing to see the damage done by these animals. Coupled with an asset protection burn and drier weather, the bush in our patch at Campbells Creek seems to be really up against it. I wonder what changes my daughter will see as we continue to visit our cubby into the future.

This post was written by Naomi Raftery with most of the factual detail provided by Marie Jones. If readers have any further information on cup moths or would like to share their stories of personal encounters with them we welcome contributions.

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Befriending our frogs

Elaine Bayes and Damien Cook who led our last FOBIF walk in Chewton have produced two terrific youtube videos:’Frogs and their Calls’  and ‘Frogs and their Habitats’. The information is well presented and relevant to our local area. Each goes for about 30 minutes. Click on each image below to view.



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Geology excursion this Saturday

Muckleford Landcare has organised an excursion for November 14 which will take in Mount Gaspard and the Muckleford Gorge. FOBIF members might remember a fascinating walk we had in the Muckleford Gorge in 2011. The following text is taken from the Muckleford Landcare website:

There are still a few places left on the bus next Saturday for our geology excursion.

This should be a fascinating and revealing experience. Our first stop will be the summit of Mount Gaspard at the north of the valley. Mount Gaspard is on private land and the view is immense. Thanks to the generosity of the Huzzey family we will have access to a spectacular panorama of the whole valley and its larger geological setting.

We will travel down the Chinaman’s Creek valley until it connects with the main Muckleford valley and then follow the famous and significant Muckleford Fault south until we conclude our journey at the Muckleford Gorge. Once again we will have access to private land to view this beautiful and surprising place and for that privilege we thank the Garsed family.

To find out more about the day click here.

Frank Forster took this image of the Muckleford Gorge on the FOBIF walk in 2011. Due to the current drought we are unlikely to see much flow this year.

Frank Forster took this photo of the Muckleford Gorge on the FOBIF walk in 2011. Unfortunately with the current drought we are unlikely to see much flow this year.

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Reprieve for ‘The Big Tree’

The Guildford Progress Association has received news that their concerns about the proposed work on The Big Tree have been heeded. The following is an excerpt from a recent letter to the Association from the Shire:

Due to the continued concerns of the Guildford Progress Association regarding the arboricultural works proposed by Council on “The Big Tree”, I wish to inform you that these works have been postponed.

 Council has commissioned an independent arboricultural assessment of the tree.  The consultant will provide Council with a report and any recommended works.  I will ensure that the Guildford Progress Association is kept informed of any intended works on or at the site of “The Big Tree”.

We will keep you informed about any further developments on this issue.

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Heritage: um, what about us?

Whatever its merits, VEAC’s draft report on heritage places is notable for one baffling deficiency: its failure to consider landscape as a heritage ‘place’. More specifically, it’s clear that the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park is considered, in this report, to be a collection of mining sites, not a landscape.

How can we tell this?

Table 2.2 of the document lists heritage places by type. ‘Landscape’ is declared to have only one sample of this type. What is it? To find out, we go to Appendix 2, where the only example listed is Tower Hill State Game Reserve.

How has VEAC, whose responsibility has largely been in environmental matters, managed to exclude landscape from its considerations?

The answer is to be found on page 30, in a discussion of Indigenous views:  ‘It is important to note that although VEAC’s focus is on the management of specific places on public land, Traditional Owners customarily have a broader view that every part of the landscape is of significance, including landforms and the whole landscape itself, not only those places where associations are evident or documented.’

It seems that VEAC hasn’t been able to adopt something like this broader view itself. It looks like the Diggings Park, as a landscape, has slipped into the too hard basket.

This is a curious deficiency. The Park is described by Parks Victoria as ‘the largest non-indigenous protected cultural landscape in Australia.’ Its National Heritage listing, bland though it is, offers this: ‘Situated within regenerating box-ironbark forest, the mining remains and habitation sites immediately convey to the visitor a feeling of passed [sic] ways of working and living. The great number and extent of remains reinforces to the visitor the historical significance of the goldfield. The degree of alteration of, and intervention in, the natural landscape makes a strong impression on visitors. The Castlemaine diggings are a place of strong aesthetic significance. The attributes include the wide expanses of regenerating box-ironbark forest, the landforms of hills, ridges, gullies, creeks and rivers, together with the multitude of mining and habitation remains…’ The Victorian Heritage listing says: ‘The land and its regenerating Box-Ironbark forest is important scientific evidence in its own right in demonstrating a spectacular event of transformation of the pre-gold rush environment.’

Why does all this matter? Continue reading

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Listen to the Wild: 2 sessions with Andrew Scheoch

  1. In the first session (November 5) Andrew will present ‘beautiful and fascinating recordings from wild places around the world’. Andrew gave a similar presentation in the Castlemaine library earlier this year but this time he will concentrate more on our local birdlife, and show how their vocalisations illustrate patterns of birdsong evolution. Have a look at this flyer to find out more. 
  2.  Andrew is now offering workshops in nature sound recording. They are pitched at beginners, but once he knows what people want to cover he can be as specific as required. The first weekend workshop will take place on 28/29th November out at Newstead.  Click here for more information.
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Want to count a koala?

As we’ve previously reported, koalas are not uncommon in our area. But how many are there?

You might want to add to the sum of human knowledge by participating in DELWP’s Koala count on Saturday November 7. For details, check out how to register here

Koalas have had a chequered history in Victoria. The population was reduced to 500 individuals by the 1920s, but relocations have brought a revival. As DELWP’s briefing notes point out:

‘In most areas of Victoria, Koala densities are naturally low (on average about one per hectare).

‘In some places in Victoria, Koala population densities are so high that the resulting browsing pressure on their preferred food trees is unsustainable and is a threat to the integrity of entire forest patches and the health and welfare of the resident Koalas. This is due to favourable climatic conditions, presence of preferred Eucalyptus food trees, the absence of predators and a high fertility rate.’

The Strezlecki ranges is now thought to hold the only genuine remnant koala population in the state.

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Guess what? We’re not looking after our heritage places properly

The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council has released its draft proposals paper on Heritage Places. You can find it here

Not surprisingly, the Council found that management of heritage sites is seriously underfunded:

‘It is clear that there is insufficient funding for historic places on public land in Victoria. More particularly, in contrast to other jurisdictions, heritage funding comes almost exclusively from government and, of this, only a very small proportion is reliable in the medium term. Funding mostly comes from discretionary or ‘non-core’ allocations by agencies, or grants that vary greatly and unpredictably in their availability from year to year. As a result the ability of managers to plan effectively is heavily compromised, reducing cost-effectiveness and further eroding available funds.’

The Council makes a number of recommendations to remedy this deficiency, including facilitating adaptive reuse of appropriate places, and improving clarity and accountability procedures.

Public submissions on the paper are invited, and are due on December 22 at PO Box 500, East Melbourne 3002 or veac@dse.vic.gov.au

FOBIF’s interest in the matter centres around the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park, and on this we found the paper to be disappointing. We’ll report on this in the near future, and put a detailed submission to VEAC in the coming months.

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Historic places, and what they’re worth: revelations soon

The Draft Proposals Paper for VEAC’s Historic Places Investigation will be released for public comment on Thursday 22 October 2015 and made available on that day on the VEAC website. VEAC is holding three information sessions on the Paper, one of which is in Castlemaine, on Friday 30 October 2015  from 10:30 am to 11:30 am at the Ray Bradfield Room, in Victory Park.

If you want to attend an information session you’ll need to contact VEAC prior to the relevant session to register your attendance: Phone:   1800 134 803 (Free call outside Melbourne) or email veac@delwp.vic.gov.au

FOBIF has made a submission to this process, and will be taking a keen interest in the draft paper. Our submission can be found here. Other submissions can be read on VEAC’s website.


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