A great local archive

Webmaster of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club, Chris Timewell, has put the newsletters of the Club from 1976 online. They can be found here.

This archive is a fascinating record of Field Nats observations and reflections on our region over 40 years, and can be dipped into almost at random for interesting insights into the natural scene.

Given that mistletoe is flowering around the region at the moment, here’s an interesting 2003 piece by Ern Perkins, written partly in response to some local calls for the plant to be culled:

Mistletoe at the Rise and Shine reserve: it's beautiful, and research and observation shows that it's not a death sentence for host trees.

Mistletoe at the Rise and Shine reserve: it’s beautiful, and research and observation shows that it’s not a death sentence for host trees.

‘Research in the ACT shows that mistletoe mostly grows on large, mature trees, and that the density of mistletoes…is positively correlated to the height of the host trees…The study also showed that many of the trees with live mistletoes also carried dead mistletoes…This suggests that some trees have mechanisms to control mistletoes…A study in the Yarra Valley Parklands showed that…of 228 trees under stress, only 4 trees had mistletoes. Other studies have shown that trees with mistletoe grow more slowly. Another study in the Melbourne area recorded 15 eucalypts  which were heavily infested with mistletoe. Of the 15, 13 were assessed as being healthy or slightly dying back. Two were dead. Examination of the two dead trees showed substantial earth works nearby…’


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Great response to our call for photos

We started off with 17 photos on our new Flickr page, Trees of the Mount Alexander Region, and after our call for photos in December we now have 73. The quality of the photos submitted has been impressive and, as you can see from the composite image below, there has been an amazing range of approaches to the subject of local trees.

There is still time to be part of this FOBIF venture. (If you do send photos though could you make them less than 1mg if possible.) Guidlelines for submission are here.

Click on the composite image below to view the Flickr website.

web photos flickr trees

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Call for photos!

The theme of the next FOBIF photo exhibition is Trees in the Mount Alexander Region.

TOGS in Castlemaine will host the exhibition in March 2016 and later in the year the Newstead Railway Arts Hub has kindly agreed host the same exhibition. Photos will be for sale to cover fobif costs.

Red Box (E. polyanthemos) Photo by Bernard Slattery, Faraday Hill, 31 August 2015

Red Box (E. polyanthemos) Photo by Bernard Slattery, Faraday Hill, 31 August 2015

So if you have any favourite photos of local trees send them along to FOBIF (info@fobif.org.au). There is also plenty of time to take new photos:  the closing date for the submission of photos is not till 31 January 2016.

We will place all photos we receive in a designated album on the FOBIF Flickr site as long as they fall within the guidelines. A FOBIF sub-committee will then select approximately 18 photos to be printed and framed in the two exhibitions.

If your photo is selected, as well as being included in the above two exhibitions you will receive a free mounted copy of your photo at the close of the second exhibition.


  1. Photo to include local indigenous tree/s within the Mount Alexander Region.
  2. A small file size is fine for Flickr but the photo will need to be at least 3 mg to be printed and included in the exhibitions. (At this stage only send files under 1mg)
  3. The tree/s need to be identified (we may be able to help with this) as well as the photo location and date.
  4. Photos can be closeups (bark, leaves, etc), individual trees, landscapes with trees as well as photos where flora and fauna associated with trees are the main feature.

White-plumed Honeyeater at partially built nest in River Red Gum, Loddon River. Photo by Geoff Park, 29 December 2014

We have already set up the Trees In Mount Alexander Flickr album so you can get an idea of the range of photos that fall within the guidelines.

Contact Bronwyn Silver at info@fobif.org.au or 54751089 for further information.

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Moss guide goes to reprint edition

FOBIF’s field guide to Mosses of dry forests in south eastern Australia has sold so well we’ve had to go to a reprint edition, adding a few improvements along the way. The new edition is on sale via this website, or through selected outlets.


Rusty brown patches of Funaria hygrometrica stand out in a dry landscape at Dalton’s Track. What’s Funaria? You have to buy the guide to find out. 

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It’s Australia’s only National Heritage Park: so, should it be managed in a unique way?

What is a heritage landscape, and what difference does the tag ‘heritage’ make to the way a landscape should be managed?

Of course, all landscapes are ‘heritage’ or ‘cultural’ landscapes in one way or another: but there’s only one in Australia which has protected dual National Park/Heritage Park status, and that’s the Castlemaine Diggings.

That’s why we were disappointed in the VEAC Historic Places Investigation Draft Proposals Paper. This paper explicitly adopted a limited meaning for the phrase ‘heritage place’, one that seemed to exclude ‘landscape’ from consideration.

FOBIF has submitted a response to the Draft. It is set out below.


Although we believe there are many constructive and sensible proposals in this paper, we wish to focus on what we believe to be a serious—and strange—deficiency: that is, the failure to acknowledge the particular challenges presented by cultural landscapes. In fact, it appears that the authors of the paper do not believe that these landscapes are ‘historic places’ at all, as witness this passage on page 31:

‘It is important to note that although VEAC’s focus is on the management of specific places on public land, Traditional Owners customarily have a broader view that every part of the landscape is of significance, including landforms and the whole landscape itself, not only those places where associations are evident or documented.’

Shallow shafts being reclaimed by nature, Sebastopol Creek: how is the bushland setting to be interpreted in the National Heritage Park?

Shallow shafts being reclaimed by nature, Sebastopol Creek: how is the bushland setting to be interpreted in the National Heritage Park?

We are not suggesting that our cultural landscapes can be considered in the same way that Indigenous people look at country: but the concession made in the above paragraph essentially concedes that VEAC has not considered ‘landscape’ at all in this draft.

We can’t see the reason for this exclusion: after all, on page 4 of the draft we read that ‘historic places’ include ‘historic sites or areas’. What is a landscape if it’s not an ‘area’? And in Appendix 2 [Historic groups or typology] we find Landscape area: natural and cultural historic landscapes. Other group categories in this Appendix are given numerous examples, but for some reason Landscape area has only one: Tower Hill.

There are significant areas of Victoria which are landscapes on the state and national heritage list: the Grampians/Gariwerd, the Alps, and the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park. We therefore find it puzzling that the draft paper has failed to consider the peculiar challenges presented to managers of these areas.

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How do they do it? [1] Making something out of nothing

It’s been a bleak period in our bushlands this year, but even in the bleakest of times, something surprising can be seen: and, as during the millenium drought, one of the most surprising is the sight of this delicate looking plant, growing in the most unpromising, dried out locations: bare, hardened tracks, crackling, apparently soil free ground–almost anywhere where life looks to be a struggle. It’s the Magenta Storksbill.

Magenta storksbill [Pelargonium rodneyanum]: it flowers valiantly when other plants are hunkered down.

Magenta Storksbill [Pelargonium rodneyanum], Kalimna Park, December 4: it flowers valiantly when other plants are hunkered down.

Pelargonium rodneyanum makes its first appearance in Western documentation in volume 2 of Mitchell’s journals of his expedition into south eastern Australia. He seems to have noticed it first in the Swan Hill region. His journal entry for June 21 1836 reads:

‘We also discovered a beautiful new species of the Cape genus Pelargonium, which would be an acquisition to our gardens. I named it P. rodneyanum* in honour of Mrs. Riddell at Sydney, grand-daughter of the famous Rodney.’

The ‘famous Rodney’ was apparently Admiral George Rodney, notable for his sometimes controversial exploits in wars against the French and the Americans–and for some pretty dodgy efforts at accumulating wealth for himself. A good name for such a plant? You decide.

The sample Mitchell collected was sent to England, and the plant received its first description in modern scientific terminology from the famous botanist John Lindley. The description, which appeared for the first time as a footnote in Mitchell’s published journal in 1838, was in Latin. How modern is that?

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How do they do it? [2] Surviving in the pollution soup

The picture below is a Common Long Neck turtle [Chelodina longicolis] sun baking in the horrible pollution soup that is Forest Creek at the Wheeler Street bridge. Turtles have been seen in this unpromising location for many years, and seemed even to have survived the millenium drought, when there was little or no water under the bridge.

Common long neck turtle in Forest creek: it's not the most pristine environments, but the species has hung on in this location for years.

Common long neck turtle in Forest creek: it’s not the most pristine environments, but the species has hung on in this location for years.

The scum covering the turtle’s back doesn’t suggest that the creature is terribly healthy, but when disturbed, it moved with tremendous speed to take shelter in the reeds.

Interesting turtle facts: the Common Long Neck [aka ‘snake neck turtle’ and ‘stinker’] can survive long dry periods by digging into soil and aestivating. According to the Bendigo Field Naturalists excellent guide Frogs and reptiles of the Bendigo district, ‘turtles communicate with each other via a wide range of vocalisations that have a lower pitch than humans can hear.’ When threatened, the turtle lets out an offensive odour [hence the unromantic name, ‘stinker’]. This turtle can live for 50 years, so maybe the sightings regularly made in this unpromising location over the last 20 odd years have been the same one.

This creature can wander significant distances in search of viable habitat. And guess what? After habitat depletion, the biggest threat to its survival is that of being run over by a car.

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‘Risk management’: what does it mean, in practice?

The recently abolished ‘five per cent target’ policy aimed at burning at least 390, 000 hectares of public land per year.

This target was never reached, and was probably never going to be possible. In the last five years, the highest annual total was 250,542 hectares burned.

Under the new ‘risk management’ policy [see our post below], bushfire management will still be heavily concerned with fuel reduction burns on public land:

‘From 1 July 2016, our fuel management program on public land will be driven by a state wide target to maintain bushfire risk at, or below, 70 per cent of Victoria’s maximum bushfire risk. Based on the current assessment of risk, this will involve treating between 225,000 and 275,000 hectares in 2016-17.’ [Page 13, Safer together]

In other words, there’s still a target, and it’s about the same as now.

As we’ve pointed out before, recent documents on fire have been very keen to tell us that fuel management is ‘only one’ of several approaches to bushfire control. For example: ‘Fuel management is just one strategy for reducing bushfire risk…Beyond planned burning, we take many other actions to reduce bushfire risk – slashing, mowing, creating fuel breaks and maintaining infrastructure like water points and lookout towers in our forests and parks. Other ways to reduce risk include positioning firefighters and aircraft across Victoria for rapid response to bushfires when they start, building standards for new housing, developing neighbourhood shelters, issuing community warnings and coordinating evacuations.’ [page 8, Safer together]

There are also challenges around prevention [arson, for example], and issues to do with housing development in bushland.

Unfortunately burning is the approach that gets heavy priority treatment.

And fuel reduction on private land? On this, we have vague gestures about what will happen in the future [See below: Lessons from Lancefield 2].

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Lessons from Lancefield [1]: resourcing

The management burn which escaped from the Cobaw State Forest in October with disastrous results was the subject of an independent investigation led by Stuart Carter. His report was released last week. It can be found here.

We won’t comment on the report’s wider judgments, since we’re not familiar with the Cobaw area, but would like to highlight two of its findings, which we believe are applicable virtually anywhere in the state. The first is on resourcing:

‘Interviews [with DELWP staff] also revealed that there is a resignation by staff that district resources and budgets are tight and this may result in resources at a burn being “thin”. The Investigation Team noted that many of the staff interviewed commented that the resourcing for the  Lancefield-­‐Cobaw  burn  was not optimal however “we do what we can with what we have” or “we are just used to managing with what we have”.’

How many times have we heard a version of this? Policy and colour documents are fine. Too often they have been used to cover up what we are unfortunately used to: land management on the cheap.


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Lessons from Lancefield [2]: public land, private land

A second point worth highlighting in the Carter report is the importance of integrating public and private land in fire preparations. The report says: ‘The Department must adopt a tenure-­‐blind approach to the management of bushfire risk including the planning of  burns.’

In the case of Cobaw:

‘A common response from some [DELWP] staff interviewed who had responsibility for planning part of the burn was that in spring the surrounding area was green paddocks, but in reality this burn is surrounded by public and private forest, much of it long unburnt. The burn plan contains little information about the surrounding area, the fuels outside the burn, neighbours and the broader context. It will be stated throughout this report that the focus of the Department in relation to the Lancefield-­‐Cobaw burn was clearly on its own tenure with inadequate attention to external considerations. The Investigation Team does however note that processes are afoot to shift bushfire risk management, and therefore burn planning, to a broader landscape approach… This will provide some impetus for change however significant cultural and procedural shifts within the Department are also required to increase the focus on external factors and contingency planning.’

The policy of integrating public and private land into bushfire plans is still undeveloped, as we’ve pointed out before. The Safer together document [see below], while enthusiastically embracing the idea of private participation in bushfire mitigation, has this to say:

‘While our bushfire risk target will only apply to the delivery of the fuel management program on public land in the immediate term, we will build our systems and processes to enable a bushfire risk target to guide planning and investment across all bushfire risk reduction activities on public and private land in future.’ [p 13] [Our emphasis]

In other words, ‘processes are afoot’, but as for action: not yet.

The risk we run is that the ‘new’ policy will look very like the old one.

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