Oh no! It’s spring!

Is this the best [that is, worst] year ever for the Oxalis weed? Since autumn we’ve seen the dense mats seem to get denser, to spread more widely, and to cover areas the weed’s never been strong in before. And now that it’s spring, those pretty yellow flowers seem to be everywhere.

Oxalis: among other things, it is, or should be, a challenge to fire managers

Oxalis: among other things, it is, or should be, a challenge to fire managers

There are 800 species of Oxalis world wide, including six that are native to Australia: we have two in our region—O. exilis [Shady Wood Sorrel] and O. perrenans [Grasslands wood sorrel: it’s the host plant for the Grasslands Copper butterfly]. The commonest local species is the introduced—and very feral—Soursob [Pes caprae]. It was introduced into this country in 1839 as a garden ornamental, a fact which adds a bit more weight to Tim Lowe’s claim [in Feral Future] that gardeners have done more harm to our environment than miners…

Any gardener will tell you Oxalis is hard to control. According to a 2012 DSE report, it’s also likely to increase in threat after fire, its bulbs allowing it to spread into bare ground. This, we hope, will be in fire managers’ minds when they’re conducting reduction burns in areas where Oxalis is already rampant [the proposed burn on Mount Tarrengower, for example].

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Yes we do, no we don’t

Do we know enough about fire behaviour to justify present fuel management practices?

‘Of course we do! Our practice is informed by generations of research and experience!’ is one view.

‘No: our practices are blunt and often blind to local conditions.’ Is another.

If you want to see the two views in conflict, have a look at ‘New modelling on bushfires shows how they really burn through an area’ by fire scientist Phillip Zylstra, on the admirable Conversation website. The responses at the end of the article are almost as interesting as the article itself. They amount to a rerun of an old debate: the one between anecdotal and folk [‘local’] knowledge on the one hand, and disciplined scientific research on the other. We recommend that readers have a look at both the article and the responses. Although contributors are generally polite, the discussion still has that ‘dialogue of the deaf’ feel which characterises many such debates.

Zylstra cites a case study which looked at 38,000 fires, and found that in 26 out of 30 bioregions reducing fuel loads didn’t reduce the area burnt in wild fires: more often than not more burning increased the area of wildfire.

Continue reading

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Historic places report on the way

The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) will submit the Final Report on its Historic Places Investigation to the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change on Wednesday 31 August 2016, rather later than originally planned.  The report will be publicly released on Wednesday 7 September and will be made available on that day at www.veac.vic.gov.au.

Readers will recall FOBIF made a critical submission to the draft report in December last year. We’ll be curious to see if any of our criticisms have resulted in changes to the document.

Two information sessions on the report will be held not long after its release. One is in Melbourne. The other is in Chewton on Friday 9 September from 10:30 am to 11:30 am at the Chewton Senior Citizens Centre, 201 Main Road/Pyrenees Highway, Chewton (Car park access off Mount Street).

If you want to attend, you need to register with VEAC by phone [1800 134 803 (Free call outside Melbourne)] or email:  veac@delwp.vic.gov.au

The State Government will give its response to the report within six months.

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Undeterred by a bit of mist


Some of the Sunday’s walkers

A small group braved low temperatures, threatening cloud and persistent drizzle on Sunday for FOBIF’s August walk in Walmer. The weather looked worse than it really was, however, and the walk proved a pleasant stroll through mist barely strong enough to dampen the face. What’s more, leader Paul Hampton organised things superbly so that the last half hour was in brilliant sunshine: and only as walkers got into their cars at the very end did the skies open for a bit of a downpour.

The thick mist did obscure some of the brilliant views to be had from the hills in this part of Muckleford, but there was plenty to see close to hand:  Leopard Orchids, Caladenias, fields of Early Nancy, Hovea in flower, and carpets of moss and coral lichen. Paul also provided some fascinating insights into the social and ecological history of the area.

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White Marianth and Blue Caladenia. Photos by Geraldine Harris

September’s walk will be a ramble on The Monk, led by Elaine Bayes and  Damien Cook. Check the walks program for details.

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What’s eating our red gums?

For some months now, local Red Gums, especially around Mount Alexander, have been looking pretty bedraggled, attacked by some leaf eating insect we’ve been unable to identify. It seems to prefer only Red Gums: many Australians are unable to tell eucalypt species apart, but our insects are pretty good at it.

Green Lane Sutton Grange, August 7: The trees on the left are Candlebarks, whose foliage is untouched. The others are Red Gums, in dire condition from leaf attack.

Green Lane, Sutton Grange, August 7: The trees on the left are Candlebarks, whose foliage is untouched. The others are Red Gums, in dire condition from leaf attack.

Any suggestions about what the culprit is would be welcome. Infestations of Red Gums are pretty common, but this one looks more drastic than most.

Part of our problem is that the Red Gum is a generous host. A 2002 experiment found over 450 insect species in the canopies of just two trees near the Murray River! (You can find this info and a million other fascinating things in Flooded forest and desert creek, ecology and history of the River Red Gum, by Matthew Coloff–it’s in the Goldfields library system). So presumably there are several hundred suspects in this assault case…

Red gum leaves: trees of this species have been looking stressed for some months throughout the region.

Red gum leaves: trees of this species have been looking stressed for some months in parts of the region.

Posted in Nature Observations | 2 Comments

Fire monitoring abandoned before it’s begun

As we have previously reported, funding for the very worthy Box Ironbark mosaic burning project has been ceased. But we had been led to believe that this all too brief project would be continued in some reduced way by DELWP staff who could monitor a restricted range of post fire effects.

This hope is now gone. We’ve been informed that no further monitoring is planned–DELWP doesn’t have the staff to do it.

This well designed project lasted only two unusually wet years, and obviously needed further work to give its findings solid credibility. A depressingly familiar pattern is being repeated. There isn’t enough money to run land management properly: so DELWP fire operations will continue to be run without serious, detailed knowledge of their ecological effects.

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2015-16 AGM minutes and committee meeting reminder

The minutes from the 2016 minutes which was held on July 11th can be found here.

Details from the night can be viewed on our earlier post here.

FOBIF committee meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at Continuing Ed on Templeton St, Castlemine at 6pm. All are welcome to attend these usually short and often jolly affairs.

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A walk in winter sunshine

A strong turnout rocked up for FOBIF’s July walk in bracing winter sunshine on Sunday. The walk took in several unnamed ridge tops and hidden valleys in a loop around the Helge Track area. Temperatures during the day were low, but the bush presented well in bright sunshine, and a bit of sweat was generated on a couple of the climbs.


Walkers surrounded by Golden Wattle. Photo by Liz Martin

Four species of wattle were in flower, hillsides were covered in rich moss carpets, and there was plenty of interesting fungi about.

The three photos below were taken by Liz Martin. You can see more photos of the walk on Dominique Lavie’s facebook page.

Next month’s walk will be led by Paul Hampton in the Walmer area. For details check the walks program.

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Fire on the Loddon? Not so much, but…

As we’ve previously reported, draft DELWP fire maps have shown an area along the Loddon River between Vaughan and Glenluce as Zone 2 (bushfire management): this would require management burns to cover 80% of the defined area at uncomfortably regular intervals.

We questioned fire officers at the June meeting of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists about the safety value and ecological impact of such a plan, and  have since been informed not only that the area has now been changed to Zone 3, Landscape Management (a gentler system of fuel management) but that the Department will not deliberately burn River Red Gum zones like this one. FOBIF is extremely wary of any plan to deliberately burn this steep river valley, and will watch the future planning of fire along the valley to see exactly what is intended for this area.

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Fire [2]: that old tree question, again…

Readers will be familiar with our repeated complaint that DELWP’s fuel reduction exercises frequently destroy valuable old hollow bearing trees. This is unintentional, but often seems to us to be plain careless. It isn’t just a local problem: Gippsland research has shown that hollow bearing trees are 22 times more likely to fall down in fuel reduction zones than in unburnt areas.

In response to questions about this, Simon Brown, senior DELWP fire management officer for Murray Goldfields, has informed us that ‘standard operating procedures’ have been adopted to try to avoid such disasters in the future. [The most recent one was in an otherwise mild burn in Kalimna Park in 2015].

Among other things, fire zones will be checked the day after the operation to make sure no large trees are burning at the base. It’s frequently been observed by local residents that DELWP fires smoulder on unattended for days, and we have had assurances before that sites will be more attentively monitored.  We’ll watch this one great interest.

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