Search Results for: walks

August 15 FOBIF walk

Next Sunday’s walk, Beyond the Res (11), will go ahead but people will have to register with FOBIF beforehand ( New regulations in regional Victoria allow 10 people in a group outside. We will have 2 groups of 10, one … Continue reading

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Fryers Ridge short walk: 20 June

The shorter of the two walks on offer on 20 June will be a 5km loop in Fryers Ridge Nature Conservation Reserve a few kilometers west of Taradale, led by Frances Cincotta and Bronwyn Silver. We will be focusing on … Continue reading

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May FOBIF walk

A strong group of walkers followed Joy Clusker and Dianne Davies on a route through the Pilcher’s Bridge Nature Conservation Reserve yesterday. This was FOBIF’s first excursion ‘north of the border’ into the City of Greater Bendigo, and guess what? … Continue reading

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What’s special about this?

A strong group took on FOBIF’s walk to Middleton Creek yesterday, our first open  walk for many months. Middleton Creek is a marvellous waterway, characterised by interesting twists and turns and rocky cliffs. Unfortunately it’s currently overrun with gorse and … Continue reading

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This month’s FOBIF bush walk

The next FOBIF bush walk ‘Waterway and gully: Middleton Creek’ will take place next Sunday, 18 April. We will meet at the Community House in Templeton Street at 9.30. There is no need to register for this walk. All welcome. … Continue reading

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Our first walk for 2021

A geology tour on March 21 led by well-known geologist Clive Willman will be the first 2021 event for the FOBIF walks program. This car excursion will be around the Guildford Plateau and Mount Franklin, an area shaped by the … Continue reading

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FOBIF 2021

 There are several ways you can be part of FOBIF activities in 2021 as well as coming on our monthly walks. Committee meetings are open to all members. They are held between 6 and 7 pm at the Community House, … Continue reading

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Big turnout despite wintery weather

About thirty FOBIF members and supporters came to the end of the year FOBIF breakup in Walmer last Monday. With thunderstorms and even hail predicted we gathered under cover instead of in the bush and even had the fire going. … Continue reading

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That was the year…

FOBIF had a successful AGM last Monday night. The text below is the President’s report, given by Marie Jones. Below it is the new committee elected on the night: ************** The effects of COVID-19 had an impact on what FOBIF … Continue reading

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Kalimna Park co-management: an update

As we’ve previously reported, work is under way to produce a new management plan for Kalimna Park, in the Balak Kalik Manya (Walking Together) project. A progress report by Harley Douglas, manager of the project, is published below. It’s worth … Continue reading

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