Indigenous joint management 1: have your say

A drop in session in Castlemaine on Sunday 20 May was a chance for interested residents to check out plans for indigenous co management of parks in north central Victoria.

None of the parks in question are in the Mount Alexander region, but the environmental and management problems faced by all of them are very similar to what we are dealing with, so the management approach being proposed is of great interest to us.

The draft joint management plan for the parks is open for public comment now. You can find it here. It’s a fascinating document, definitely worth a read [see a few details below].

The draft proposal is open for public comment till June 19. Submissions can be emailed to: ; Posted to: DDLMB Senior Project Manager, C/- DELWP Level 3, 8 Nicholson Street East Melbourne 3002; or made online here.   the procedure for submissions is simple:

  1. How strongly do you support the vision of the draft plan?
  2. How strongly do you support the proposals of the draft plan overall?
  3. What do you like about the draft plan?
  4. What would you like to see changed in the draft plan?
  5. Do you have any other comments?

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Indigenous joint management 2: here are some interesting ideas

The draft plan is a challenging, even exhilarating document. Its objectives are ambitious:

‘Healing Land (Country) goes beyond ridding the environment of pest plant and animals, managing fire and visitor impacts. The Draft Plan is as much about Dja Dja Wurrung People as it is about the land – we are a part of it. Dja Dja Wurrung People are part of the land and cannot be separated from it now and into the future.’

‘Sustainable management of the Dja Dja Wurrung Parks generating social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits for Dja Dja Wurrung People and the wider community.’

Mount Franklin from Muckleford: the distinctive dark cap is a pine plantation, a quite unnatural imposition on the volcanic cone. One of several proposals for land restoration in the plan is to gradually restore native vegetation to the mountain.

It’s fair to say that conservation reserves are currently regarded as places to visit, refuges from the ordinary run of daily life. The idea that they could actually be a central part of a community’s culture is still a radical one.

The draft plan is too complex to summarise in detail, but here are a few challenging ideas:

— ‘The use of Dja Dja Wurrung language names for places and features of cultural significance is a key priority for DDW People.’

— ‘the reintroduction of Gal Gal [dingo] and other culturally important animals within the landscape is identified as an action in [the Country Plan]’

–‘ Gradually restore native vegetation to the Lalgambuk (Mt Franklin) section of Hepburn Regional Park in order to recognise and restore the outstanding cultural significance of this place to DDW People.’

— ‘Dams fragment the watercourse they’re built on, preventing movement of aquatic animals between parts of the stream on either side of the dam. Dams and channels can decrease gatjin [water] flows downstream, particularly in low rainfall periods, reducing streams to disconnected pools, or causing problems associated with low flows, such as algal outbreaks.’

— ‘Manage road, track and trail maintenance to protect natural and cultural values All and maintain (and where possible reduce) the extent of road verges.

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Indigenous joint management 3: cultural fire

The return of cultural fire in this region is a potentially dramatic event.  As yet the implications of this practice are not widely known, but it clearly plays a major role in the co management strategy:

– ‘Delivery of Wi [cultural fire in the landscape] by Dja Dja Wurrung People, provides significant opportunities to restore the health of Country, and for DDW People, including youth, to strengthen knowledge transmission.’

There is implied criticism of current DELWP planned burning practice in comments like these in the draft plan:

‘Planned burning is largely centred on fuel reduction—the cultural outcomes, impacts on DDW food and fibre plants and animals, cultural connections and obligations have been little considered. While controlled burning is beginning to integrate DDW cultural practices, fire regimes continue to damage Country. Cultural heritage in the Parks can also be damaged by the use of fire retardants, mineral earth fire breaks, control lines and in some cases the intensity of controlled burns.’ Page 33

Elsewhere in the document we read, ‘When we burn, we start with dead leaves and place them in a circle and make it go outwards … Once the burn gets up a tree, to the yellow leaves it’s no good then.’

These comments are similar to the criticisms groups like FOBIF have made of DELWP practices over the years: they offer hope that indigenous participation may significantly improve management in this area.

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Indigenous joint management 4: a sobering context

In view of all of the very positive ideas fielded in the draft document, there’s one observation in it which gives pause for thought. It’s on page 46:

‘High quality planning is critical in a time when visitor numbers and expectations are growing faster than budgets; assets are ageing and climate change is increasing the frequency of fire, floods and storms.’

As we’ve pointed out before, Victoria’s population has grown by over a million in the last ten years, and in that time Parks Victoria’s staffing has stayed about the same. After ruthless cuts made during the recent period of the state coalition government, budgets have still not really been restored. And any visitor to our local parks can confirm from the sight of rotting and out of date signage that ‘assets are ageing.’

Co management is a great idea, a proven winner elsewhere in Australia . Let’s hope it’s given a fair chance to succeed.

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‘Creatures’ update

Here are two beautiful photos that have been submitted to FOBIF for our November ‘Creatures’ show at TOGS. Keep them coming! You can now view our ‘Creatures’ Flickr photo album.

I believe the butterfly is an ‘Orchard Swallowtail’. The picture was taken on our lemon tree just a few minutes after it emerged from its cocoon. Its wings are still folded and it hasn’t taken its first flight as a butterfly yet. (Max Schlachter)

Mudeye (Dragonfly larvae) Castlemaine (Vivienne Hamilton)

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Grey skies, perfect walking conditions

A cloudy day provided perfect conditions for FOBIF’s May walk on Sunday. A group of 17 negotiated obscure tracks in the back country of the Poverty Gully race under the leadership of Richard Piesse and Elaine Bayes. The nooks and crannies of this area have many fascinations, cultural and natural, and there were frequent pauses to explore them. The tunnel of the Crocodile Reservoir water race in its deep cutting proved particularly interesting: fortunately none of those who peered over the edge needed to be rescued.

What are they looking at? Walkers check out the northern entry to the Croc Res water race tunnel.

Our thanks to Richard and Elaine for a stroll in air fresh enough to be invigorating without being uncomfortable!

Next month’s walk will be led by Jeremy Holland into the Tarilta Valley. Check the program for details.

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Moths of the Box-Ironbark Forests

Steve Williams has been studying local moths for over a decade and will be sharing some of his fascinating findings at Newstead Community Centre this Thursday 17th May at 8pm. Everyone is welcome to attend the one-hour talk which will be followed by a cuppa, hosted by Newstead Landcare Group. A gold coin donation will help cover costs.

Plume Moth on Shiny Everlasting at Strangways by Patrick Kavanagh

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Kalimna Park burning postponed: what now?

Readers of the local press will be aware that the 171 hectare management burn planned for the town side of Kalimna tourist road has been postponed.

The postponement came after a group of local naturalists raised the inconvenient fact that the burn site contained colonies of the Eltham Copper butterfly. This is listed nationally as an endangered species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation act.

Inside the proposed burn zone: the challenge for DELWP is to protect public safety AND the environment. To achieve this officers need the best and most up to date information on land they manage.

DELWP fire managers had planned this mosaic burn with some diligence, with plenty of time put into local consultation: but they did not have access to important survey information held in the Department’s own archives. This seems to be a case of inadequate communication between fire officers and the Department’s Terrestrial Biodiversity unit. Fundamental to this communication fault is the fact that much of the information collected in surveys funded since the Royal Commission has not been entered into Department data bases, and is therefore not easily available to managers.

For years FOBIF members have joked cynically that the Department frequently conducts monitoring surveys, then puts all the resulting information into a filing cabinet in an unknown location, never to be accessed. Inaccurate and unfair? Yes, but with a degree of uncomfortable truth.

The management burn has been postponed to Autumn 2019. The challenge for the Department between now and then is to develop a fuel management strategy which ensures safety for the communities of Castlemaine and Chewton without threatening one of Australia’s most endangered species.

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Indigenous joint management? Come and find out

An interesting additional factor in DELWP’s challenge in Kalimna is that the recent state budget allocated $2.05 million for biodiversity work in the Greater Bendigo NP and Kalimna Park.

At the time of writing it’s not clear what this money is for, but one outcome of the funding will be the employment of traditional owner rangers to work in these parks. It remains to be seen whether indigenous input into management will influence approaches to fire in Kalimna.

The Dja Dja Wurrung Country Plan, published in 2017, has an interestingly positive approach to land healing. If you want to find out more on this, there’ll be a drop in session next Sunday in Castlemaine to inform the public about the draft co management plan for Dja Dja Wurrung parks in the box ironbark region. The session will be held in the Ray Bradfield room, next to Victory Park, from 10 am to 12 noon.

Preparation of the Draft Joint Management Plan for the Dja Dja Wurrung Parks was supported by a CSIRO-led consortium including Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation, Dja Dja Wurrung Enterprises, and Conservation Management in consultation with Parks Victoria and Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP).

Aboriginal joint management of six Box Ironbark parks was proclaimed in 2016. The parks in question are Greater Bendigo National Park, Kara Kara National Park, Hepburn Regional Park, Kooyoora State Park, Wehla Nature Conservation Reserve and Paddy’s Range State Park.

None of these parks is in the Mount Alexander region, but the management strategies proposed for them will surely be of interest to us. Rock up and find out.

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Call for photos!

The theme of the next FOBIF photo exhibition is Creatures.

TOGS Cafe in Castlemaine will host the exhibition in November 2018.

So if you have a favourite photo/s of wildlife in our region send them along to FOBIF ( There is also plenty of time to take new photos: the closing date for the submission of photos is not till 1 October 2018.

We will place all photos in a designated album on the FOBIF Flickr site. A FOBIF sub-committee will then select approximately 18 photos to be printed and framed for the exhibition. As you can see from the wildlife photos below there is plenty of scope for variety.

If your photo is selected, as well as being included in the exhibition, you will receive a free copy of your photo.


  1. Photo to include Creature/s within the Mount Alexander region. 
  2. A small file size is fine for Flickr but the photo will need to be at least 3 mg to be printed and included in the exhibitions. (At this stage only send files under 1mg).
  3. Include the photo’s location, date, identification of flora and fauna and any extra information you have about the phot0.

Contact Bronwyn Silver at or 0448751111 for further information.

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