New annual bird photography competition

Birdlife banner photo by Georgina Steytler

BirdLife Australia has launched a new annual bird photography competition.  Submissions are now open and close on Monday 6 August.  There are seven different categories as well as a youth segment.

You can find all the information on this Birdlife website.

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‘Act for Birds’ roadshow next Saturday

Castlemaine has a new Birdlife Branch and Birdlife is visiting next weekend with their ‘Act for Birds’ roadshow. Jane Rusden, Convener of Castlemaine District BirdLife Group has asked FOBIF to publicise this event which be focused on grassroots advocacy, with short presentations by Beth Melick and Brendon Sydes. Local artists also have organised some fun for the kids. The group is only a few days old, so they will be celebrating the launch of Castlemaine District Birdlife Branch at the same time, with lunch and cake included. All welcome.

When: 12:30 – 3pm, Saturday 7 July
Where: Tea Room, Castlemaine Botanic Gardens, 2 Walker St, Castlemaine

You can find out more in this press release.

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Signs: they’re everywhere, maybe too many of them. But when they start to decay, you’d have to say they give the neighbourhood a neglected character. And the signs around our public land are definitely looking neglected: out of date, rotting, falling over, they’re symptoms of the underfunding of public land management.

Poverty Gully water race: many of the signs in our bushland are in decay, sending a message that ‘no one cares’.

This air of neglect—the sense that nobody cares—is arguably one of the reasons our bushlands can be targets of abuse. If no one cares, why not dump rubbish in the bush, or ride a trail bike down an inviting gully? It’s only a bit of scrub, after all…

And here’s a twist: there are parts of our bush where we have not one, but two signs, as if DELWP’s supply chain suddenly blew a fuse and started to supply duplicates randomly around the region. Famine, feast, famine…Figure that out.

Porcupine Ridge Road: if you’re not sure the first sign is right, check it against the second!

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There’s rubbish and rubbish. Some dumped stuff is lethal—asbestos comes to mind. Some is a serious pest—like garden weeds that threaten to spread into the bush. Some is an eyesore that tells you the dumper has no respect for public space, and certainly no sense of responsibility for it. Think about mattresses and plastic junk.

Running shoe in Kalimna Park: unexpected habitat. Photo: Bronwyn Silver.

And some rubbish is just plain eccentric. What’s this single running shoe doing alongside the Kalimna Circuit Track? Well, one thing it’s doing is providing nice moss habitat: a reminder that sometimes rubbish can have unexpected effects—remember the dumped mattress colonised by a phascogale? This is no defence of dumping, of course. It’s one of the scourges of public land managers, and seems to get worse: it’s now costing Victorians $30 million a year in cleanup and other costs.

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Winter reading

Got a moment? Have a look at these two winter gems:

First, the ever reliable Wombat Forestcare Newsletter, with high quality articles on  luminous fungi, fire in the Wombat, and a fascinating glimpse of the ‘world’s rarest fungus’, found on only one tree in the Wombat Forest…

And second, the North Central Chat, which has a great article by Bev Phillips on the old trees of Maldon. A sample:

‘Of the 61 pre-1852 original eucalypt trees recorded on public and private land in Maldon, 64 percent are Eucalyptus microcarpa (Grey Box); there are eight Eucalyptus goniocalyx (Long-leaved Box), eight Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. Vestita  (Red Box) and three Eucalyptus melliodora  (Yellow Box).  The recorded trees are estimated to be aged between 175 and 530 years old; 49 trees are estimated to be 200-399 years old and there are three trees estimated to be aged 400-499 years and one tree 530 years. This means that 80 percent of the trees are estimated to have started growing between the years of 1618 and 1817.’

Check them out.

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‘Creatures’ collection growing

There have been some interesting contributions to our Creatures photo collection over the past couple of weeks. Vivienne Hamilton sent us a terrific photo of this Red Wattlebird shaking itself off. 

Red Wattlebird, photo by Vivienne Hamilton

You can see more of Vivienne Hamilton’s photos in our Creatures Flickr page.

And Lynette Amaterstein has captured a Red-headed Mouse Spider at Rise and Shine in this short video (click to download).

Red-headed Mouse Spider (Missulena occatoria)

Finally thanks to Geoff Park (first 3) and Mitchell Parker (last photo) for sending in these bird photos. (Click to enlarge.)

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News, fake news, rumour

Here’s a reminder: you have two days to give an opinion on the draft plan for indigenous co management of five parks in north central Victoria.

We’ve noticed a bit of negativity in some web discussion groups about this proposal, based, as far as we can see, on misconceptions, or worse. In our opinion the draft proposal is a generous effort to be inclusive of all groups in the community. An example, from the document:

‘Prospecting continues to be welcome in many areas of the Parks. However careful examination of the registered Aboriginal Cultural Heritage sites identified four areas with a high density of sites where prospecting is currently allowed. In addition, three small fauna refuges that include significant cultural heritage, and where prospecting is currently allowed, were identified. It is proposed to restrict prospecting in these seven areas to protect the significant heritage values.’

In other words, some tweaking has been done to arrangements for this activity. Unfortunately this has been interpreted by some as follows: ‘Dja Dja Wurrung are taking over the management and banning various user groups…prospectors would be excluded from this land grab.’ [Quotes are from a Castlemaine website.’]

Facts are still facts. Let’s judge things on that basis, and not on prejudice and rumour.

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There’s a saying that ‘you don’t have  to be mad, but it helps’—but at 9.30 on Sunday morning it seemed that you really did have to be mad to embark on FOBIF’s June walk into the Tarilta valley. Six degrees, a fine rain and forecast of possible hail: none of this was encouraging. All the same, eleven heroes rocked up, and were rewarded with a great experience in the remote valley, one of the region’s jewels. The weather turned out to be bluffing, too, obligingly moderating for morning tea and lunch breaks, with the suggestion of sunshine at regular intervals.

Our thanks to walk leader Jeremy Holland for guiding the group along a terrifically interesting route into the valley from the north; and of course the advantage of rain is that it gave a trickle of water over the area’s two very picturesque waterfalls. Fungi and mosses were in abundance, and the grand Candlebarks along the valley floor seemed even more spectacular in the misty weather.

The focus of next month’s walk, in the Gowar Forest, will be ‘walking with birds’. Check the program for details.

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Yellow Gums stand out

Yellow Gums Eucalyptus leucoxylon change more from season to season and are more colourful than all other local eucalypts. Their copious shedding of bark in summer is commonly accompanied by a dramatic colouring of trunks for months. After the rain is the best time to view these bright displays. Even now in winter their trunks can evoke abstract art.

Yellow Gum bark, Mia Mia Track. Photo by Frances Cincotta, June 2018

The striking smooth cream bark can now been seen more commonly across the bush.

Yellow Gum, Walmer South Nature Conservation Reserve. Photo by Bronwyn Silver, June 2018

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Curtain raiser

The always reliable Spreading Wattle has been flowering for months now, but the real wattle season is yet to come. A sign that it’s on the way: Woolly Wattle (Acacia lanigera) is well and truly in flower in the south end of the Diggings Park. Since we’ve had a modicum of rain, we might yet see a great wattle season in the next month or so…

Woolly Wattle, Wewak Track June 2018. Wattle blossom is one of the highlights of a bush winter.

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