Open house on Forest Fire Management Vic activities

Forest Fire Management Victoria has invited people to come and discuss their management activities including:

  • The Joint Fuel Management Plan (previously Fire Operations Plan)
  • Domestic firewood
  • Planned burning and other fuel management activities
  • State forest and crown land management

When: Thursday 18 October 2018 from 4.00 – 7.00 pm

Where: Ray Bradfield Room, Castlemaine VIC (next to Victory Park)

For further information visit or email

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TOGS exhibition starts soon

Our ‘Creatures’ Flickr album now has 116 terrific photos. The closing date for submitting photos was 1 October. The collection ranges from small invertebrates such as nymphs and spiders to larger creatures such as wallabies and echidnas.

We are now in the process of selecting photos for the TOGS exhibition which will run from October 12 till 29 November. Thanks to the 21 people who contributed photos to make this a successful project.

Some of the latest contributions.

Striated Pardalote in display with nesting material. Muckleford. Photo by Arlen Truscott, 26 September 2017

Swooping Juvenile Black Shouldered Kite. Newstead. Photo by Arlen Truscott, 20 June 2017

Australian Wood Ducks. Porcupine Flat. Photo by Steph Carter, 29th October 2016

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Alison Pouliot’s new book on fungi

The Allure of Fungi by Alison Pouliot has recently been published by the CSIRO.  

Alison’s press release:

“Although relatively little known, fungi provide the links between the terrestrial organisms and ecosystems that underpin our functioning planet.

The Allure of Fungi presents fungi through multiple perspectives – those of mycologists and ecologists, foragers and forayers, naturalists and farmers, aesthetes and artists, philosophers and Traditional Owners. It explores how a history of entrenched fears and misconceptions about fungi has led to their near absence in Australian ecological consciousness and biodiversity conservation.

Through a combination of text and visual essays, the author reflects on how aesthetic, sensate experience deepened by scientific knowledge offers the best chance for understanding fungi, the forest and human interactions with them.

Although relatively little known, fungi provide the links between the terrestrial organisms and ecosystems that underpin our functioning planet.


  • An interdisciplinary exploration of fungi, their role in nature and relationships with different cultures
  • Engaging personal anecdotes take readers on a journey of discovery into the world of fungi and fungus enthusiasts
  • Combines text and evocative visual essays in an amalgam of history, science and art.”

The Allure of Fungi has 280 pages, 82 colour photographs and costs $49.99. Purchasing details can be found here.

Alison has been a speaker at Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests and Connecting Country events and has run local workshops on fungi and photography in central Victoria for many years. She is a worldwide expert on fungi, an excellent photographer and an inspiring teacher.

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Extension of closing date for VEAC report submissions

A few weeks ago we included a post on The Victorian Environment Assessment Council draft report on its Central West Investigation.

The report recommended that a significant part of the Wombat forest be included in a new Wombat-Lerderderg National Park. A further recommendation was that the western part of the Wellsford State Forest be absorbed into the Bendigo Regional Park, and the eastern and northern section of the forest be created as a nature reserve. The main impact of these latter changes would be the protection of the Wellsford from logging. Readers will remember that Vicforests was proposing renewed logging in this magnificent box ironbark area.

Although the report does not directly cover the Mount Alexander shire we think that it is important for as many people as possible to forward written submissions supporting the positive features of the report.

The closing date for submissions has been extended from 31 October to Monday 10 December.

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Fryers Ranges walk: 15 September

Sunday saw a modestly sized group of 14 walk a circuit in the Fryers Ranges behind Taradale led by Christine Henderson.

The walk was conducted at a relaxed pace with plenty of stops for plant and wild-flower photography and identification. We were fortunate to have two experts in David Elliot and Richard Piesse among the group.

Lots of wattle were in flower especially Rough Wattle (Acacia aspera) which was especially prolific.

Highlights included Hill Flat Pea which was just emerging, lots of White and Pink Heath, a patch of Slender Dodder Laurel found by Richard and numerous clumps of the rare Elphinstone Grevillea right beside the track. Let’s hope it isn’t eliminated in the next round of track widening.

Noel Young sent us this list of bird calls he heard along the way: Choughs, White-throated Treecreeper, Yellow Robin, Grey Shrike-thrush, Spotted Pardalote, Crimson Rosella, Thornbills, Scrubwrens, Pallid Cuckoo, Fantail Cuckoo and Horsefield’s Bronze-cuckoo.

Thanks to Christine for a most enjoyable walk. Continuing with the floral theme next months walk is in the Muckleford forest led by Geoff Nevill and focusing on orchids.

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‘Creatures’ photos

The closing date for entries to the FOBIF ‘Creatures’ project is 1 October so there is still time to send us your photos. The exhibition at TOGS cafe will open on 12 October and finish at the end of November. You can find all the project details here.

To have a look at the 90 photos in our Flickr ‘Creatures’ album, click here.

Swift Parrot. Photo by Debbie Worland

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Spring [1] a sobering forecast

It’s spring! Wildflowers are a bit slow to emerge this year, but there are signs–plenty of orchids, for example. And we can always hope, though it’s been dry, and doesn’t look like it’s going to improve. Here’s the Bureau of Meteorology predictions on the chances of above average rainfall to November:

The recent VEAC Central West report puts it this way: ‘As with most of Victoria, the Central West Investigation area has already experienced some effects of climate change. For example, since the 1950s average annual rainfall in the investigation area has declined by 100 to 200 millimetres and average temperatures have increased by approximately 1.2 to 1.4 degrees. These trends are projected to continue with more hot days, increased fire weather and more frequent extreme weather events.’

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Spring [2]: is this the way to get resilience?

So, dry or not, it’s still Spring, the time to get out and see what our bush can do.

And, of course, we know that our forest managers are aware of the severe conditions, and keen to do everything they can to maintain resilience in the face of these conditions. Right?

Maybe not.

Those visiting one of our wildflower hotspots had better brace themselves for yet another experience of land managers’ road upgrades.

Typical section of Morgan’s track, September 2: This is not ‘keeping within the track footprint.’

Morgan’s Track has well and truly got the treatment from the grader: gouging of track edges, numerous scalped areas where machines have turned around, a tendency to widen the track, plus some intriguing vegetation removal. It’s not always clear what this last is for. We are often told by managers that crews are instructed to ‘stay inside the track footprint.’ This has now become a bit of a joke.

Here’s a question: if road maintenance crews are given the job of cleaning the gutters in Swanston Street, would they think it a good idea to gouge a few inches, or a few feet, out of the footpath? Possibly not: but DELWP has traditionally, it seems, considered the verges of bush tracks to be pretty flexible. A gouge here, a scalp there: it’ll all come back OK.

Maybe: but in increasingly severe climatic conditions, managers’ responsibility is to improve natural resilience, not scrape away at it…or at least, you’d think so…

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The price of gold

Ian Higgins began his talk at the FOBIF AGM last Monday by showing a picture of the beautiful interior of Parliament House Melbourne, inlaid with pure gold.

Then he showed this eloquent 1861 photograph taken near Guildford, most likely near the confluence of Campbell’s Creek and the Loddon River:

Near Guildford, 1861: the price of gold was hard work–and the destruction of the land. The price needs to be repaid. Photo: Richard Daintree [Copyright State Library Victoria]

The goldfields have still not recovered from the destructive effects of the gold rushes. The theme of Ian’s talk was not to bemoan this destruction, but to ask, how can the damage be repaired?

Part of the answer can be seen in the work of the Friends of Campbell’s Creek, of which Ian is the co-founder. When the Friends began their work nearly 20 years ago there were five wattle bushes standing between Castlemaine and Guildford. Anyone taking a two minute stroll along the Campbells creek track now will find that an amazing figure. The reintroduction of ‘self recruiting natives’ along the creek has been an astonishing success: and although there’s plenty to be done on all our local waterways, this particular project is a bright light at a time when we really need one.

Campbell’s creek: the Friends group has been remarkably successful in reintroducing a wide variety of self reproducing species.

Ian spoke after the main business of the AGM, namely, reports and elections. The following FOBIF committee was elected for 2018-9:

President: Marie Jones; Vice President: Neville Cooper; Secretary: Naomi Raftery; Treasurer: Lynette Amaterstein; Committee members: Jeremy Holland, Frank Panter, Bronwyn Silver, Bernard Slattery

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VEAC proposes new parks for the Central West

The Victorian Environment Assessment Council has recommended that a significant part of the Wombat forest be included in a new Wombat-Lerderderg National Park.

The recommendation comes in VEAC’s draft report on its Central West Investigation.

Also included in the report is a recommendation that the western part of the Wellsford State Forest be absorbed into the Bendigo Regional Park, and the eastern and northern section of the forest be created as a nature reserve.

The main impact of these latter changes would be the protection of the Wellsford from logging. Readers will remember that Vicforests was proposing renewed logging in this magnificent box ironbark area.

VEAC has clearly bent over backwards to accommodate conflicting demands for the Wellsford. The recommended changes would exclude logging: but regional parks are managed primarily for recreation, and allow practically all recreational activities apart from hunting. This latter is seen, logically enough, to ‘[conflict] with use by large numbers of other recreational users.’  The nature reserve section of the forest would be managed along the lines of a national park.

‘The intention of these draft recommendations is to focus protection of key natural values in the recommended nature reserve and recreational activities in the recommended regional park.’

There are many other recommendations in the VEAC draft report, which can be found here. Though it concerns areas outside the Mount Alexander region, it is of absorbing interest to anyone interested in the wider Central/West central Victorian region. We’ll go into some of the issues it deals with in future posts.

The VEAC investigation was characterised by some pretty strange lobbying by  recreational interests, some of whom seemed to think it is an infringement of their liberty to be obliged to drive their car on a road. The council’s attempt at a balanced compromise is probably going to cop some flak, so those interested in the proper management of our neighbouring regions are encouraged to check the draft, and make a submission.

Written submissions close on Wednesday 31 October 2018.

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