Search Results for: walks

Coliban channel walk is now a fire zone

Users of FOBIF’s guide to Twenty bushwalks in the Mount Alexander region should be aware that the amenity of Walk 13 has been affected by this year’s Management fire. The section of this walk between Old Coach Road and Dearden … Continue reading

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Stunning walk along the Loddon

Walking north along the eastern bank of the Loddon River near Baringhup through stunning redgum trees on a beautiful sunny day, a sizable group heard stories of geology, Indigenous occupation, farming, hydrology, architecture, and natural history. Contributions to these stories … Continue reading

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Cinnamon fungus in the Castlemaine Diggings NHP?

Parks Victoria has closed the Loop Track to vehicles at the south end of the Diggings Park, in an effort to control the spread of a possible infestation of Cinnamon Fungus in the area. FOBIF walkers had expressed concerns some … Continue reading

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Death on the race

Are we being melodramatic? Maybe. Check this out: That’s a patch of Hardenbergia, on the side of the maintenance track on the Coliban main channel, south of the Fryers-Taradale road. There’s quite a lot of Hardenbergia on that stretch: in … Continue reading

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The short walk: a gentle stroll down Whisky Gully

A large group came to Mount Alexander last Sunday. The walk began at Dog Rocks then travelled south along Whisky Gully on the eastern side of the mount. On reaching the Leanganook Picnic Area the group headed north along the … Continue reading

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Fire: have your say…again

The Department of Environment’s latest Draft Fuel Management Program is out for consultation. An interactive map, which you can access here. shows the location of planned burns. Click on a location and you’ll see where and when management burns are … Continue reading

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A stroll among the ruins and the recovery

A smallish group tackled FOBIF’s June walk yesterday, on a circuitous route around The Monk, taking in many of the more notable mining sites of the area. The weather was fine and cool with extensive patches of sunshine: perfect for … Continue reading

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FOBIF walk (18 June 2023)

The walk this Sunday will be in the Poverty Gully and Cobblers Gully vicinity, close to Castlemaine. Details are on the Walks page. For further information ring Bernard Slattery (0499 624 160) or Lionel Jenkins and Barb Guerin (5472 1994 … Continue reading

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Anyone for a dawn walk?

A few FOBIF members are planning an early morning walk on Mount Alexander on Tuesday 28 March. We will be following the route for Walk 20 in the FOBIF Twenty Bushwalks book. If you are interested meet at Leanganook Picnic … Continue reading

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Down…then up!

A good sized group rocked up for FOBIF’s first walk for the year yesterday. Cool, breezy weather gradually merged to a warmer day as the group negotiated a route into Columbine Creek, a tributary of the Loddon and one of … Continue reading

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