Search Results for: walks

Three walks around Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park

As part of the review of Heritage Action Plan, Jade Harris from Parks Victoria has invited interested people to three walks in the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park on Wednesday 16th & Thursday 17th November 2016: Parks Victoria are currently reviewing the Heritage Action Plan … Continue reading

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2016 FOBIF walks start soon

This year’s FOBIF walks’ program has been finalised and can be viewed here. The first walk  (20 March) will be a combined FOBIF/Connecting Country event. The focus will be on birds and three experts will lead several short walks on Andrew Skeoch and … Continue reading

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FOBIF walks

Walks for young people FOBIF are running lots of events for kids this year. We have bushwalks for small children with their families, youth walks for people who are secondary school age and a June School Holiday program based in the … Continue reading

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Over 15 years of FOBIF walks

We are not quite sure of the exact year FOBIF walks began but it was sometime in the late 1990s. Doug Ralph, one of the founders of FOBIF, initially led all the walks but later other locals shared this task. For many years … Continue reading

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7 & 28 September 2014 – Youth & Family Bushwalks

The Spring Youth Bushwalk will be held on Sunday 7 September in Poverty Gully. Young FOBIF member, Nioka Mellick-Cooper, received a grant last year from the Mount Alexander Shire Council’s Youth Grants Program to run bush walks around Castlemaine for younger … Continue reading

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23 and 30 March 2014 – Youth and Family Forest Walks

This year FOBIF has expanded its walks program to include 2 family walks and 2 youth walks. Everyone is welcome on these walks, not just young people and children. The first of the family walks will take place on 23 … Continue reading

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Change to Walks Program

Due to unforseen circumstances we have had to make a change in the FOBIF walk’s program. Doug Ralph will now be leading the walk to Tarilta Gorge on 17 June and Malcolm Fyffe will be leading his Yandoit walk on … Continue reading

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BUSHWALKS  Our walks are on Sundays, they are free and non-members are welcome. We meet at 9.30am outside 30 Templeton Street, Castlemaine (Castlemaine Community House) and carpool to the start of the walk. Bring water, morning tea and lunch. Walks … Continue reading


Short FOBIF walk in Whiskey Gully

  A dozen people enjoyed winter sunshine on Mount Alexander (Leanganook) on Sunday’s short walk. We began at Dog Rocks and strolled down Whiskey Gully before looping back to the start. Recent rains meant there was abundant fungi and once … Continue reading

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Birds of the Castlemaine region book

In 2018, BirdLife Castlemaine – the newest regional branch of BirdLife Australia – was launched, and has subsequently held regular walks, talks, nature diary days, surveys and other activities.  The geographic extent of the branch overlaps considerably with FOBIFs area … Continue reading

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