The wildlife Act: want to have a say?

As we noted a couple of weeks ago, the 1975 Wildlife Act is under review, and public responses are invited. FOBIF will be making a submission this week, but if you need to be motivated to have a go, check out this list of failings in the current act, from the VNPA:

  • It protects exotic invasive species like deer as protected game animals despite the significant damage they do to wildlife habitats around the state.
  • It allows wildlife to be declared as unprotected which, at one stage, had the perverse outcome of wombat shooting being promoted as a tourist attraction.
  • It allows the for the destruction of a plethora of native wildlife through a highly non-transparent Authority to Control Wildlife permit system…
  • It provides no direct protections for wildlife habitat under the legislation.
  • It has weak penalties for those who commit an offence under the Act.
  • It treats some native wildlife, such as ducks and native quails, as sport for recreational shooters.
  • The Act is toothless when it comes to actually prosecuting illegal acts of harm to wildlife. We’ve seen appalling incidents of the illegal poisoning of Wedge-tailed Eagles and the bulldozing of koalas met with little to no penalties.

The VNPA also has some suggestions about what you might put into a submission: you can find them here.

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June walk: up and over!

A strong group tackled FOBIF’s June ‘long walk’ yesterday. Led by Jeremy Holland, the group ambled along the eastern lower slope of the Mount before climbing steeply past Black Wallaby rocks and on over to Lang’s lookout. The promised steep ascents and descents were duly delivered. Participants’ phones registered distances from 11.5 to 15.5 kilometres, an interesting comment on the reliability of phone apps: but we’re standing by our estimate of ‘about 12 kms’. Magnificent views were to be had to the east and north, fungi were distractingly abundant, and we were privileged to see corners of the Mount rarely visited.

Part of the walking group at Aqueduct Creek, at the foot of the Mount. The tree at the right has to be one of the biggest Red Gums in the region.

Our thanks to Jeremy for a wonderfully challenging walk, full of surprises!

Next month’s walk will be led by Barb Guerin and Lionel Jenkin over the hills to the back of the Golden Point reservoir. Owing the uncertainty surrounding virus regulations, make sure you check the website before the date.

Photo by Cathrine Harboe-Ree

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June ‘short walk’: Leisurely amble

Another strong group undertook a 6 kilometre walk which began on the Old Coach Road and then followed a loop from Rilen Track in the Fryers Ridge Nature Conservation Reserve.  The emphasis was on observation and identification with Frances Cincotta providing an expert commentary on the enormous diversity of plants. The highlight of the walk was Frances producing a small saw with which she proceeded to remove an introduced Ovens Wattle.

Thanks to Liz Martin for the above photos and Frances, Mike and Bronwyn for planning the walk. 

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Update on Sunday’s walks

Due to the relaxation in government regulations there is no need to register for the Fobif walks on Sunday. Everyone is welcome. We will be meeting at the Community House at 9.30 on Sunday.

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What can the law do about wildlife?

The state government has set up an enquiry into the state’s Wildlife Act. This Act was passed in 1975. Obviously plenty of things have changed since then, so the Act is probably overdue for a review. You can find its terms of reference and details about the enquiry panel here. Responses are invited to the enquiry, and an Issues Paper, with pertinent questions attached, can be found here. There’s an easy to access comment form here

Or you can email a submission directly to Submissions close on June 30.

The 40 page Issues Paper is not an easy read, but it raises some challenging questions. One of them is, What is ‘wildlife’? Under the act, for example, deer, one of our emerging monster pests, is considered as protected wildlife. The paper appears to address this problem: ‘deer proclaimed to be wildlife under the Act can destroy the habitat of indigenous wildlife and therefore undermine the Act’s goals to preserve and conserve indigenous species.’

For this reason alone it would be worth putting a submission into the enquiry: to ask that the protected status of deer be removed. 

Faraday scene: the issues paper cautiously raises the question of ‘overabundant’ indigenous species.

The paper raises other challenging questions. What should be done about ‘overabundant’ indigenous species? Community division on this seems intractable:

‘A recent study by Boulet et al.1, for example, found strongly polarised attitudes among Victorians about using lethal methods to control overabundant wildlife: there was roughly equal support for and against lethal control, and few respondents were neutral. Such strongly held views reflect stakeholders’ ‘self-identifying’ interests (both positive and negative) in, and connections to, particular wildlife species, particular geographical areas or both. This diversity means it can be difficult to reconcile competing interests or desires within the community, for example between conserving and using or managing wildlife.’

Further, the paper raises the crucial question of habitat. How can you protect wildlife while allowing the destruction of habitat?

‘Habitat health and integrity are necessary components of protecting and conserving Victoria’s wildlife. Habitat is an organism-specific term referring to the resources and conditions that allow a species to survive and reproduce, including vegetation, water bodies and the climate. It recognises the link between a species and its environment. The latest Victorian State of Environment Report identifies the clearing, fragmentation and declining quality of habitat as one of six major threats to biodiversity, with native vegetation being lost in Victoria at a rate of 4,000 habitat hectares per year. The destruction and degradation of habitat has flow-on effects on Victoria’s native wildlife, increasing the vulnerability of our ecosystems. The Act addresses conservation by regulating direct threats to wildlife, such as taking wildlife without an authorisation or licence. However, it does not account for indirect threats such as the destruction of wildlife habitat.’ There are ‘integral links’, the paper says, ‘between animal and land management.’

Unfortunately the role of DELWP is outside the terms of reference of this enquiry. All the same, it looks like it will raise all sorts of thorny cultural, social and environmental questions. Can legislation help in solving these? Well, good legislation might help.

We recommend that you put in your oar.

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Registration for June FOBIF walks

Due to government regulations about the number of people allowed to gather outside we need people to register for the FOBIf walks next Sunday (June 20).

If you would like to go on the Mount Alexander walk contact Jeremy on 0409933046. If you would like to go on the Fryers Ridge walk contact Bronwyn on 0448751111 or Details of the walks can be found here.

Check this website before the walk in case the situation changes. 

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Fryers Ridge short walk: 20 June

The shorter of the two walks on offer on 20 June will be a 5km loop in Fryers Ridge Nature Conservation Reserve a few kilometers west of Taradale, led by Frances Cincotta and Bronwyn Silver. We will be focusing on the diverse flora: Common Correa will be in full flower and we will see heaths, at least 5 native pea species and 12 wattle species. We will have copies of “Native Peas” and “Wattles of Mount Alexander Region” available for perusal on the walk and to purchase. Bring a hand lens if you want to learn how to tell the difference between some of the trickier pea and wattle species. The walk is all on wide, well-formed tracks with some up and down but nothing steep. Bring morning tea and lunch. We will get back to Castlemaine approx 1.30pm.

More information: Frances Cincotta 0491 108 766 or Bronwyn Silver 0448 751 111.

The photos above were taken last Wednesday in the Reserve where the walk will take place.

Click here to find out about the long Mount Alexander walk on 20 June.

We may need to introduce a registration system for these walks if there are government regulations still in place which restrict the number of people allowed to gather outside. Check this website next week for information.

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Mount Alexander long walk: 20 June

This FOBIF walk will be just under 12km which doesn’t sound very long but the majority is off-track negotiating rocks and other obstacles so is fairly slow going. In addition there is a sustained climb up past Black Wallaby Rocks and a short but steep descent from Langs Lookout, both of which require reasonable balance and fitness.

Walking at a moderate pace and including refreshment breaks we can expect to be out for between 5-6 hours allowing for time to enjoy the experience.

For our Bendigo neighbours we will start from the well known carpark on Harcourt-Sutton Grange Road by the water channel, aiming to arrive there about 9.50 am.

To do this we will need to leave Templeton Street at 9.30 sharp.

To whet the appetite pictures of two of the features, namely the large red gum and Black Wallaby Rocks are included.

For any queries contact Jeremy on 0409 933 046.

Information on the alternative 5km walk in Fryers Ridge on 20 June will be on this website next week.

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Kalimna park consultations are on

The draft Dja Dja Wurrung Kalimna Park Management Plan 2021-2026 has been produced and is available online here.

This important and detailed plan has been was developed by Dja Dja Wurrung Traditional Owners through Djandak and Conservation Management, a consultancy firm based in Tasmania. As our readers will know, the project development has been going on for some time through the Balak kalik manya (Walking Together) process.

Djandak (Country) is the commercial arm of the Dja Dja Wurrung Aboriginal Clans corporation.

Constructive comments on the draft plan have been invited.

Production of the plan is an important stage in the development of Aboriginal co management practices in the region. The vision behind it is clear and convincing:

‘That Kalimna park is a place that is looked after collaboratively by both Djaara and non-Djaara: is celebrated as a shared place; and positively connects the community with nature and culture.’

And ‘that Kalimna Park is a place where: Djaara cultural heritage is protected, created and exhibited; Djaara maintain and teach our culture to future generations; and Djaara plants, animals and waterways are safe and healthy.’

Also part of the Walking Together project, there is a proposal to create visitor facilities at the Fletcher Street entry to the park.

Djandak are organising a listening post for the Castlemaine community to drop in and voice any considerations you may have around the proposed creation of these facilities:

‘After consulting with Djaara and local community members for the Kalimna Park Management Plan, we identified the need for a main visitor entrance and interpretation area for Kalimna Park that can connect people from the Castlemaine town centre to Kalimna Park and surrounding bushland.’

‘Djandak engaged Pollen Studio to develop draft concept designs for construction of a shelter, toilets, carparking, all-ability access into the site, landscaping, gardening, along with signage which will create a new visitation area and trailhead to disembark from.’

The Listening Post will run at 11am on the 20th of May at the Fletcher Street entrance to Kalimna Park, opposite the Campbell street corner.

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May FOBIF walk

A strong group of walkers followed Joy Clusker and Dianne Davies on a route through the Pilcher’s Bridge Nature Conservation Reserve yesterday. This was FOBIF’s first excursion ‘north of the border’ into the City of Greater Bendigo, and guess what? The country was pleasantly familiar and interestingly different! This irregular block of land was radically cleared by the 1930s, and recovery is intriguing, highlights including some impressive pink flowering Ironbarks and promising fungi and moss sightings.

Our thanks to Joy and Di for their stimulating route planning—plenty of participants are already planning a return in the wildflower high season, and a repeat trip next year is on the cards.

Noel Young provided us with this bird list from the walk. Most birds were seen or heard in the first part of the walk, especially near some flowering eucalypts.

Musk Lorikeets
Red Wattlebirds (lots)
Grey Shrike-thrush
White-throated Treecreeper
White-winged Choughs
Grey Fantail
White-naped Honeyeater
White-plumed Honeyeater
Fuscous Honeyeater
Crimson Rosella
Scarlet Robin
Striated Pardalote
Yellow (?) Thornbills

Next month we’re offering a choice: a shortish walk in the Fryers Ridge NCR, or a longish one on Mount Alexander. There will be a detailed post on these walks in the next few weeks. 

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