Search Results for: walks

What’s On In October?

20 October – Presentation on Indigenous Plant Use by Dr Beth Gott of Monash University. Event organised by Baynton Sidonia Landcare Group. 21 October –  Free Community Event organised by Campbells Creek Landcare Group. 22 October – Last FOBIF walk for the … Continue reading

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A walk in the Park

Thirteen hardy walkers braved dire weather forecasts of rain and cold to do a circuit at the very south end of the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park on Sunday. The weather turned out, in fact, to be mild. The walk … Continue reading

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Bird discovery tour

Thirty-seven people came along to Geoff Park’s recent FOBIF walk in the Muckleford Forest. The focus was on birds and despite the large group it was possible to see and hear a fair range. These included Striated Thornbills, Weebills, Grey … Continue reading

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Fire Briefing

Radio National’s Background Briefing program ‘Fighting Fire with Fire’ [broadcast on February 19 and available for podcast here] was a very fair effort to canvass all points of view on fuel management issues. The fact that it seems to have … Continue reading

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Last walk for 2011

Doug Ralph led the last FOBIF walk for the year on 16 October. The walk began at the Garfield Water Wheel and followed the water race to Quartz Hill along Sailers Gully. This water race supplied the Water Wheel. Along the … Continue reading

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FOBIF September walk

Twenty-six people enjoyed sunny spring weather on the September FOBIF walk. The walk followed bush tracks to the north and east of Expedition Pass Reservoir. Marie Jones provided a fascinating commentary on the changing landscape based on her intimate knowledge of … Continue reading

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Muckleford Gorge: a privileged excursion

The May FOBIF walk organised by Deirdre Slattery was through the magnificent Muckleford Gorge on Ian Garsed’s property.  Ian has excluded the gorge from grazing under the Bush Tender system–a good example of what VEAC  has recommended for conservation on … Continue reading

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About Us

Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests (Mt Alexander Region) was formed in 1998 by people in the local community interested in working towards highlighting the significance of the Box-Ironbark Forests and Woodlands. There are over 100 members with a committee elected … Continue reading

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