Search Results for: walks

New MAS grant for holiday program

We are very proud to announce that we have successfully gained funding through the Mount Alexander Shire 2014/15 Strengthening Our Community Grant to run a school holiday program in June 2015. The FOBIF School Holiday Program for Winter 2015 is aimed … Continue reading

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Now, what’s this about Gough’s Range?

Not too many people visit Gough’s Range State Forest, roughly midway between Welshman’s Reef and Maldon. This small [161 ha] forest will be getting a few extra visitors in the 2016-17 management burning season, however. It’s down for a DEPI … Continue reading

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A walk in Kalimna Park

FOBIF’s June walk to Kalimna Park was led by retired geologist Julian Hollis. There were twenty walkers. Luckily the rain held off and the morning was good for brisk walking. This was the second of Julian’s walks with the group to … Continue reading

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Over 100 people packed into the Phee Broadway Theatre foyer last Saturday for the launch of FOBIF’s latest publication, Mosses of dry forests of south eastern Australia. The book was launched by Frances Cincotta, after co author Cassia Read had … Continue reading

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Muckleford forest walk

The second in FOBIF’s program of walks for young people took place on Sunday, with thirteen participants plus leaders taking on a circuit in the Muckleford forest. The two hour walk included nature observations and consideration of DEPI interpretation panels–including … Continue reading

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First FOBIF bushwalk for 2014

About 20 walkers of all ages set off from the Chewton Post Office along the Forest Creek Track on the first FOBIF bushwalk of the year. Local resident, Marie Jones, led the walk. First stop was to appreciate the landscape … Continue reading

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FOBIF walk in the Fryers Ranges

The second last FOBIF walk for the year took place in the Fryers Ranges west of Taradale on Sunday 15 September.    A 20 minute portion of this walk was conducted as a “sound walk” during which (without speaking) we listened … Continue reading

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Orchids, moths and gold

Twenty walkers led by Barbara Guerin and Lionel Jenkins took on a ten kilometre circuit around Crocodile Reservoir and Heron’s Reef for FOBIF’s June walk last Sunday. Highlights included a couple of early orchid sightings—the area is a superb wildflower … Continue reading

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Fungi guide

Wombat Forestcare has produced a handy guide to the Fungi of the Wombat Forest and Macedon Ranges. The guide comes in the form of a hardy folder, and has over a hundred large postage sized photos with succinct information on … Continue reading

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Last walk for 2013

The last FOBIF walk of the year was to the Fryers Ranges on Sunday 21 October. Twenty-three people enjoyed a sunny walk along a series of paths including the interestingly named ‘No Name Track’ and onto Fryers Ridge. Richard Piesse … Continue reading

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