Search Results for: walks

FOBIF/Connecting Country Walk

The combined FOBIF/Connecting Country walk on 20 March was an enormous success. The weather was wonderful, Andrew Skeoch and Sarah Koschak’s Strangways property was the perfect location for a guided walk, and it turned out to be a great way to … Continue reading

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First FOBIF walk booked out

As pointed out in an earlier post, FOBIF combined with Connecting Country to organise the 20 March walk to Andrew Skeoch’s property in Sandon. Booking was necessary for this first walk and we are now booked out. Our next walk will … Continue reading

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Booking needed for the first FOBIF walk

As explained in an earlier post, this year’s first FOBIF walk will take place on 20 March and will be a combined FOBIF/Connecting Country event. The walk on private property in Strangways (near Newstead) will be led by Andrew Skeoch (Listening Earth) and … Continue reading

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Looking for something to do on Father’s Day?

Try a walk in the bush at the Garfield Water Wheel, Castlemaine, Sunday 6th September, meeting at 9.30 am outside Castlemaine Continuing Education in Templeton Street. Youth Sustainability Champion, Nioka Mellick-Cooper, is a Year 9 student at the Castlemaine Secondary … Continue reading

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Mysteries, activities

A full house turned up at the Ray Bradfield rooms for the FOBIF AGM last Monday to hear Sarah Lloyd talk about slime moulds , mysterious life forms which are neither slime nor moulds. Sarah interspersed her entertaining talk with beautiful photos … Continue reading

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Nuggetty Range walk

The weather on Sunday (17th May) was perfect for our FOBIF walk into the Nuggetty Range. Thirty-three people came along and it was good to see some newcomers to FOBIF on the walk. The group was ably led by geologist, Brian Cuffley, who had … Continue reading

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Bird watching at Rise and Shine

Led by Geoff Park, twenty-five people walked leisurely around the Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve last Sunday (March 16). This was first FOBIF walk for this year. The Reserve is 30 minutes drive from Castlemaine and south of Newstead. Many people had come … Continue reading

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Community farewell for Doug

More than 150 people gathered to celebrate Doug Ralph’s life in the Castlemaine Botanical Gardens last Saturday afternoon (7 March). Bev Geldard who acted as MC began by reading an excerpt from a 2014 interview with Doug published in Earthsong magazine.  Sasha … Continue reading

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First FOBIF walk for the year

Geoff Park will be leading our first walk for 2015 this Sunday (15 March) to the Rise and Shine Bushland Reserve which is south of Newstead (locate on Google maps). The walk will be fairly short (4 km). Either meet at the … Continue reading

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Vale Doug Ralph

FOBIF members and people in the wider community have been saddened by the news that Doug Ralph, founding President of the Friends, has died of a heart attack at his home in Little Bendigo. On his retirement from the FOBIF … Continue reading

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