Autumn in Mount Alexander Shire
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Members who have local natural history photos are invited to send them to us at for presentation on the photo gallery of this site, or in an exhibition, or both.
White Box (Eucalyptus albens)

Photo by Doug Ralph, March 2011
Long-leaf Box (Eucalyptus goniocalyx)

Fryers Road
Photo by Bernard Slatery, 23 March 2011
Gorse Bitter-pea (Daviesia ulicifolia)

Photo: Bernard Slattery, 31 January 2011
Ian Higgins identified this flower as either Gladiolus undulatus or Gladiolus tristi. It is a weed that several FOBIF members found growing in great numbers beside a roadside in Sutton Grange. Unfortunately Gladiolus undulatus is still sold in nurseries.
Gladiolus specie

Sutton Grange
Photo: Bronwyn Silver, 29 December, 2011
Rock Correa (Correa glabra)

Nuggety Hill, 27 January 2011
Photo: Mitchell Parker
Blue Ringtail Damselfly (Austrolestes annulosus)

Norwood Hill
Photo: Bernard Slattery, 14 January 2011
Aurora Bluetail Damselfly (Ischnura aurora)

Norwood Hill
Photo: Bernard Slattery, 14 January 2011
Australian Emperor (Hemianax papuensis)

Norwood Hill
Photo: Bernard Slattery, 26 January 2011
Wandering Percher (Diplacodes bipunctata) Female

Norwood Hill
Photo: Bernard Slattery, 26 January 2011
Wandering Percher (Diplacodes bipunctata) Male

Forest Creek
Photo: Bernard Slattery, 7 January 2011