Category Archives: Walks

Brilliant walk despite the weather

Our September FOBIF walk was led by local environmentalists, Elaine Bayes and Damien Cook, in the Chewton area off Dingo Park Road. Although the weather didn’t look promising, the rain held off and walkers enjoyed slowly wending their way through masses of Early Nancies … Continue reading

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Undeterred by a bit of mist

A small group braved low temperatures, threatening cloud and persistent drizzle on Sunday for FOBIF’s August walk in Walmer. The weather looked worse than it really was, however, and the walk proved a pleasant stroll through mist barely strong enough … Continue reading

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Beautiful walk on a beautiful day

Sunday’s FOBIF walk started from The Monk car park and was led by Barb Guerin and Lionel Jenkins.  The weather was perfect, sunny and warm.  Nineteen people came on the walk .  We saw and heard about many of the historic … Continue reading

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April 24th FOBIF kids walk

On Sunday 24th April six local families came to Kalimna Point to hear an introduction from Max Schlachter from the Friends of Kalimna Park to the park before heading off on a bushwalk around the point. The warm Sunday morning … Continue reading

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Big turnout for April FOBIF walk

Close to seventy people came along to the April FOBIF walk in the Yapeen and Guildford plateau area. The weather was sunny with a light breeze and walkers enjoyed the sensational views in all directions from Max Kay’s property. Commentary on … Continue reading

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Family Bush Walk

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