Category Archives: News

2. Look…harder

 Alison Pouliot’s new book, Underground lovers—encounters with fungi  has been described as ‘taking fungal storytelling to a whole new level’, and that’s pretty right: but the ‘stories’ are not just there to entertain. They are entertaining, of course, but the … Continue reading

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3. Listen…deeply

One way of plugging the knowledge gap is by…listening more carefully.  Andrew Skeoch’s book Deep Listening to Nature offers some keys on how to go about it. The striking achievement of this book is that it seduces readers into actively … Continue reading

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Yes, but where was the summit?

A small group of heroes tackled FOBIF’s May walk yesterday: a zigzag route through the Mount Lofty Natural Features reserve. Bitter weather at 9.30 improved nicely into a mild though brisk autumn day by 10…Well, maybe more brisk than mild, … Continue reading

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The gradual changes, the shifts in tones

An updated version of Responding to Country: Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests 1998-2023 is now available. The new edition includes an abridged version of Alison Pouliot’s speech, ‘The gradual changes, the shifts in tones’, given at the February 2023 launch … Continue reading

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Exploring Kalimna during COVID

New FOBIF member Marte Newcombe is exhibiting Kalimna Park photographs at Castlemaine’s Artpuff gallery beginning on 19 May 2023.    “I walked almost every day for 3 years in Kalimna Park during the time of Covid and in the process, … Continue reading

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Bird photography with Geoff Park

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Perfect walking weather!..Almost

A solid group challenged a gloomy morning to take on FOBIF’s April walk into Gough’s Range state forest yesterday. In fact, the dull skies were a fraud, and the morning was fresh but mostly sunny. The forest, after an inch … Continue reading

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Barry Golding: Reimagining our land

Newstead Landcare Group is hosting a talk by Barry Golding at the Newstead Community Centre, starting at 7.30 pm next Tuesday April 18. All are welcome to attend.  The arrival of Europeans on the continent we now call Australia had … Continue reading

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Next two FOBIF walks

Our Goughs Range FOBIF walk will take place next Sunday 16 April. You can contact the leader Harley Parker (0409 135 889) for more information.  The date for the following month’s walk is Sunday 21 May, not 28 May as … Continue reading

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Unintentionally funny…or not so funny

FOBIF has been having another look at the heritage question. As we’ve pointed out before, heritage is a funny business. Sometimes it’s unintentionally funny—as when the national heritage listing for the Diggings Park tells us that the miners had ‘a … Continue reading

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