Category Archives: News

The impossible dream: we can have public safety without trashing the bush

Here are a few conclusions we can draw from recent meetings with DELWP fire managers in the last two weeks: The proposal to frequently burn Expedition Pass and surrounds is definitely off. It was a mapping error, and we’ll pass … Continue reading

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Eucalypt guide: a dedication to Ern Perkins

FOBIF’s field guide to the eucalypts of the Mount Alexander Region has sold out its print run of 800 copies in two months, and a reprint edition is now available. The reprint contains some minor changes, but the most significant … Continue reading

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The past: what’s important? what’s not?

Want to have a say on the way heritage is presented in the Diggings Park? Have a go at doing the Parks Victoria survey. It only takes a few minutes, and your answers might tilt the balance of the way … Continue reading

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Fire stop press: A ‘mapping error’!

FOBIF has received a note from DELWP confirming receipt of our fire submission (see post below). They advise us that the rezoning of Expedition Pass as an Asset Protection zone was a ‘mapping error”. The area has now been restored … Continue reading

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Fire submission

FOBIF has made a submission to the latest round of fire consultations [see our November 3 Post]. Essentially the submission criticises the zonings around Expedition Pass and the Loddon River, questions the size of some of the zones, and raises … Continue reading

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FOBIF has been nominated for a Kookaburra Award

FOBIF is proud to have been nominated for a Parks Victoria 2016 Connecting People to Parks Kookaburra Award. Parks Victoria presents the Kookaburra Awards to individuals and Friends groups that have made an outstanding contribution to the Parks Victoria estate. … Continue reading

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Here’s news: speed doesn’t kill

Vicroads has circulated a letter to those interested in its proposed Pyrenees Highway works. Readers will remember that a number of trees were slated for removal in this project. FOBIF has accepted that some trees need removal, but not as … Continue reading

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Photos coming in for our FOBIF show

Several photos for our 2017 exhibition, Mountains and Waterways, have been added to our new Flickr album during the last week. Noel Muller, Ranger Team Leader Goldfields, Parks Victoria, has sent a quirky tree photo from Mount Tarrengower and several FOBIF members have been … Continue reading

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Not news on the highway

Snakes are out and about, though they’ve become active a little later this year because of cooler conditions. Obviously people should be careful in areas where snakes are likely to be present–and not only for their own safety. The picture … Continue reading

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What are our state forests for?

The answer to this question might seem obvious—they’re a resource for timber, right? But for many years forestry officials have also claimed that these forests are valuable, and greatly valued, for their biodiversity and their recreational uses. The idea has charm, … Continue reading

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