Category Archives: News

Roadside tales

FOBIF representatives met with Mount Alexander Shire officers last Monday to discuss roadsides in the shire. The meeting related to planning scheme amendments designed to put protection overlays on some roadsides. FOBIF supports Council initiatives in this area, but we … Continue reading

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What can we learn from the ruins?

FOBIF has made a submission to the process of updating the Castlemaine Diggings NHP Heritage Action Plan [now known as the Heritage Landscape Management Framework]. Our view can be roughly summed up in the words of the old Heritage Plan: … Continue reading

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A walk on misty Mount Alex

A solid group of walkers was guided by Jeremy Holland through some remote corners of Mount Alexander east on Sunday. The walk started with a pleasant stroll  along the water race, before angling up the mountain south of Aqueduct Creek: … Continue reading

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What’s the Diggings Park good for?

Parks Victoria has released the results of its survey of users of the Castlemaine Diggings NHP. There were 265 responses to the online survey. While such a voluntary survey has inbuilt problems of reliability, the results are probably a good … Continue reading

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FOBIF gears up for a Wattle guide

FOBIF has undertaken the production of a field guide to local Acacias, modelled on its guide to local Eucalypts. Like the Eucalypt guide it will be directed at beginners, and will be generously illustrated with photos to help identification. The … Continue reading

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Roadsides: some questions

FOBIF has written to the Mount Alexander Shire asking for a meeting to discuss the Council’s plans on roadside vegetation [see our Post] Our concerns relate to work in progress maps we have seen which seem to completely overlook some … Continue reading

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Launch of interpretive signage of Forest Creek

On Sunday 7 May more than thirty people gathered to launch some new interpretive signage of Forest Creek. Part of the signage design can be seen in the photo here taken at the Monster Meeting site and we encourage people … Continue reading

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Update on FOBIF exhibition at TOGS

Our FOBIF Flickr site now has some stunning photos on this year’s exhibition theme, Mountains and Waterways. The exhibition dates have been moved to August/September but there is still plenty of time to send in your photos. Details of how to be … Continue reading

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2017 Wetland Plant Identification Course

Registrations are now open for the Wetland Plant Identification Course run by Damien Cook and Elaine Bayes. The course starts on 18 October 2017 and runs for 3 days. Participants can elect to do 1, 2 or all 3 days. Each … Continue reading

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Doug Ralph celebration day

Teana Amor has just completed a film, ‘Doug Ralph Celebration Day‘, which is available through YouTube. This is a comprehensive film about the day people came together in the Botanic Gardens on 7 March 2015 to remember Doug who was the … Continue reading

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