Category Archives: News

Here’s the thing: weeds are beautiful.

Yes, they are–unfortunately. It’s a curious fact that most weeds have spread widely because they’ve been planted for their ornamental appeal. It’s only when they get out of control that they start to lose some of their appeal. The picture … Continue reading

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Summer is coming: get informed!

Canada? Greece? Canary Islands? Hawaii? Recent and current fires in the northern hemisphere are a sign of the times, and not a very encouraging one… And we’ve been advised to expect a warm dry summer…We’re not trying to fear monger, … Continue reading

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Presentation – Spiders: Learning to love them

Newstead Landcare is excited to invite you to a special presentation all about spiders! Our guest speaker is Lynne Kelly – researcher, educator, Castlemaine local, and author of ‘Spiders: Learning to love them’.  Anyone who has been lucky enough to … Continue reading

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Know your orchids

This new orchid brochure contains 48 of the most common orchids found in the Bendigo Region, but most are also found in Castlemaine and surrounds. Included are flowering times and spots to find them. There are notes on orchid conservation. … Continue reading

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Promises, promises

‘The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action wants your feedback on the draft of Victoria’s Bushfire Management Strategy, which will set the vision for bushfire management in Victoria for the next 10 years.’ You can find the strategy here. And … Continue reading

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The short walk: a gentle stroll down Whisky Gully

A large group came to Mount Alexander last Sunday. The walk began at Dog Rocks then travelled south along Whisky Gully on the eastern side of the mount. On reaching the Leanganook Picnic Area the group headed north along the … Continue reading

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The long walk: creek valleys, ‘category 1 climbs’

A hardy group of five set out in brilliant frosty weather yesterday for FOBIF’s June long walk. Walk conditions were perfect, as was the length of the walk, estimated as between 12 and 24 kilometres. We suspect the second estimate … Continue reading

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A downbeat note: the destruction goes on

A downbeat note for FOBIF’s walkers along Wewak track yesterday was the sight of yet more evidence of timber theft along this track. Wewak track seems to be a favourite spot for timber thieves, and their efforts are threatening to … Continue reading

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Fobif walks this Sunday (July 16)

This Sunday (July 16) there will be a long and a short walk. The short walk will be led by Joy Clusker and will have a fungi focus. Meet as usual at the Community Centre in Templeton Street at 9.30 … Continue reading

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Kangaroos: a need for clarity, monitoring, and considered views

The state government is running a consultation on its ‘Review of the kangaroo harvesting plan.’ You can participate by going here. The plan, and the program it describes, is justified by the following: ‘Areas with large kangaroo populations can experience … Continue reading

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