Category Archives: News

OK: it’s pretty bleak. On the other hand…

As Hanrahan might have said: ‘It’s dry all right’. A quick check of the map below will confirm what common observation has already registered: February was dry, and March so far hasn’t been much better. The 27 mls of welcome … Continue reading

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Against the wind

Fifteen brave takers drove out of Castlemaine through a driving storm on Sunday the 18th for the first FOBIF walk of the year in the Fryers Forest. The storm lasted ten minutes, but the wind came and went all day, … Continue reading

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Walks program 2018 kicks off

FOBIF’s 2018 walks program kicks off next Sunday with a stroll around  the Coliban Main Channel, with a return through sections of the Fryers Nature Conservation Reserve and the state forest. Check the walks program for more details.

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Needlegrass war

FOBIF has completed a preliminary report on its project to control Needlegrasses in Castlemaine. These weeds—related to Serrated Tussock— threaten to cause serious damage to pastures and native environments. They were probably introduced into Victoria from the 1930s, and have … Continue reading

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Oops! FOBIF melts in the heat

Sorry folks: at some point in the production of the newsletter posted to members this week our walks program became scrambled. The details of the April and May walks became inextricably mixed up, making for an interesting geographical challenge to … Continue reading

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Christmas wishes

The FOBIF committee wishes all friends of our forests a happy Christmas and a great new year. Our 2018 walks program will soon be available. We’ll see you in the bush in the new year! And on a sadder note: … Continue reading

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Fuel for thought on fire

Fuel reduction burning is necessary, but not enough: that’s the conclusion of Tasmanian research released last Friday. The research, by the University of Tasmania, found that it would take an impossible amount of burning to reduce the impact of major … Continue reading

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Workshops for nature photographers

Alison Pouliot is running workshops and seminars on natural history photography covering various environmental themes this summer. 31 January 2018 – Snake Valley – The science and art of nature photography 9 February 2018 – Otway Ranges – A murder … Continue reading

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Local wetland needs your help

The Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare Group needs helpers to plant hundreds of plants into one of the only remaining creek-side wetlands left in our district. The group is holding a wetland information day and working bee this Sunday the … Continue reading

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Jaara history: a way to the future?

Indigenous history shouldn’t just be the archaeology of a society frozen in the past: it should open up ‘glorious’ prospects: of a time when indigenous people will be accepted as leaders in this community. This is the view expressed by … Continue reading

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