Category Archives: News

Call for photos!

The theme of the next FOBIF photo exhibition is Creatures. TOGS Cafe in Castlemaine will host the exhibition in November 2018. So if you have a favourite photo/s of wildlife in our region send them along to FOBIF ( There is also plenty … Continue reading

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Close to 100 people turned up on Saturday morning to see Castlemaine Field Naturalists’ president George Broadway launch FOBIF’s Wattles of the Mount Alexander Region. The guide was produced as a tribute to Ern Perkins, for many decades the leading … Continue reading

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Reminder: Wattle book launch next Saturday

Our latest FOBIF publication, Wattles of the Mount Alexander Shire, will be launched next Saturday morning, 28 April in the Phee Broadway Theatre Foyer at 11 am.  You can find all the details here. If you can’t make the launch, … Continue reading

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Launch of ‘Wattles of the Mount Alexander Region’

Acacia, known in Australia as wattle, is the largest genus of plants in the country — nearly 1000 species! Its brilliant flowers transform winter and spring landscapes. Our sporting teams wear its green and gold colours. Sprigs of wattle flowers … Continue reading

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Hardy walkers enjoy FOBIF walk

Despite intermittent showers 18 walkers enjoyed a day visiting Browns Gully and the surrounding area last Sunday, ably led by Ron Wescott. Such a good turnout shows the popularity and value of these walks. Recently the bush had been looking … Continue reading

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New local book on bird walks

Ever wanted to go on a walk in our local bush with plenty of birds to observe along the way? Damian Kelly’s new publication, Castlemaine bird walks: a guide to walks and birds in the Castlemaine district, will give you … Continue reading

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Creeks: jump in and have your say

Do you have an opinion on our local creeks? Mount Alexander Shire is looking for responses to its Castlemaine Creekways management plan. The plan is open for consultation till May 8. It can be found online here. The ‘creekways’ in … Continue reading

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Deadly trees?

A curious feature of the Creekways Plan is its bland listing of ‘trees’ as one of the three main risks to humans from the creeks. We all know trees can do a lot of damage when they fall or drop … Continue reading

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Local guide launched

A new publication, Native plants and animals of the Chewton Bushlands, was launched on 17 March in the Tea Rooms of the Botanic Gardens. The authors are Karen Baker, Antoinette Birkenbeil and Hannah Nichols. Ian Higgins launched the guide with … Continue reading

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Management burns to start soon?

Residents around the region have been letterboxed by DELWP informing them of the imminent start of the Department’s fuel reduction burn program. It’s so far been too dry to safely undertake these burns up till now, but it remains to … Continue reading

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