Category Archives: News

For the birds

A large group rocked up to FOBIF’s July walk on Sunday, led by Damian Kelly, author of the recently published Castlemaine Bird Walks. The walk covered a section of the north eastern corner of the Maldon Historic area. The weather … Continue reading

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Something obvious

On the subject of old trees, and the lack of them, it’s worth drawing attention to a recent article in the Conversation website on their value: ‘In urban landscapes, many consider large and old eucalypts a dangerous nuisance that drop … Continue reading

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New annual bird photography competition

BirdLife Australia has launched a new annual bird photography competition.  Submissions are now open and close on Monday 6 August.  There are seven different categories as well as a youth segment. You can find all the information on this Birdlife website.

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‘Act for Birds’ roadshow next Saturday

Castlemaine has a new Birdlife Branch and Birdlife is visiting next weekend with their ‘Act for Birds’ roadshow. Jane Rusden, Convener of Castlemaine District BirdLife Group has asked FOBIF to publicise this event which be focused on grassroots advocacy, with short … Continue reading

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Signs: they’re everywhere, maybe too many of them. But when they start to decay, you’d have to say they give the neighbourhood a neglected character. And the signs around our public land are definitely looking neglected: out of date, rotting, … Continue reading

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There’s rubbish and rubbish. Some dumped stuff is lethal—asbestos comes to mind. Some is a serious pest—like garden weeds that threaten to spread into the bush. Some is an eyesore that tells you the dumper has no respect for public … Continue reading

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Winter reading

Got a moment? Have a look at these two winter gems: First, the ever reliable Wombat Forestcare Newsletter, with high quality articles on  luminous fungi, fire in the Wombat, and a fascinating glimpse of the ‘world’s rarest fungus’, found on … Continue reading

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‘Creatures’ collection growing

There have been some interesting contributions to our Creatures photo collection over the past couple of weeks. Vivienne Hamilton sent us a terrific photo of this Red Wattlebird shaking itself off.  You can see more of Vivienne Hamilton’s photos in … Continue reading

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News, fake news, rumour

Here’s a reminder: you have two days to give an opinion on the draft plan for indigenous co management of five parks in north central Victoria. We’ve noticed a bit of negativity in some web discussion groups about this proposal, … Continue reading

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There’s a saying that ‘you don’t have  to be mad, but it helps’—but at 9.30 on Sunday morning it seemed that you really did have to be mad to embark on FOBIF’s June walk into the Tarilta valley. Six degrees, … Continue reading

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