Category Archives: News

Spring [2]: is this the way to get resilience?

So, dry or not, it’s still Spring, the time to get out and see what our bush can do. And, of course, we know that our forest managers are aware of the severe conditions, and keen to do everything they … Continue reading

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The price of gold

Ian Higgins began his talk at the FOBIF AGM last Monday by showing a picture of the beautiful interior of Parliament House Melbourne, inlaid with pure gold. Then he showed this eloquent 1861 photograph taken near Guildford, most likely near … Continue reading

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VEAC proposes new parks for the Central West

The Victorian Environment Assessment Council has recommended that a significant part of the Wombat forest be included in a new Wombat-Lerderderg National Park. The recommendation comes in VEAC’s draft report on its Central West Investigation. Also included in the report … Continue reading

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FOBIF AGM: Monday 27 August 2018

Ian Higgins, well known local landcarer and co-founder of Friends of Campbells Creek Landcare, will be our speaker at the upcoming FOBIF AGM on August 27. In an article about Ian after he received the Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award … Continue reading

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A walk in the winter sun

Occasional violent gusts of cold wind didn’t change the basic picture: Sunday was a bright winter day, perfect for a brisk stroll over to the Welsh Village from Chinaman’s Point via the Garfield Wheel and Sailors Gully, with a return … Continue reading

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Fires: the themes are getting familiar

Fires have ravaged Greece, and are still burning California. Gippsland has had a large bushfire in the dead of winter, and NSW has had its earliest ever total fire ban day. We’re bracing for another serious fire season. If you … Continue reading

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What’s all that intensely green stuff?

We haven’t had a huge season for rain. According to the Bureau of Meteorology, ‘Statewide rainfall was 33% below the long-term July mean of 70 mm, the driest July since 2002, and large areas in the north and east of Victoria, … Continue reading

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More stunning photos for our ‘Creatures’ project

Antoinette Birkenbeil, one of the authors of the recently published Native plants and animals of the Chewton bushlands has just sent us two wonderful photos of a Blue-banded Bee Amegilla cingulata. Antoinette has contributed many photos to our FOBIF photo shows … Continue reading

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Launch of new book on fungi

Next Saturday, 4 August, the fungi book that Joy Clusker and Ray Wallace have been working for over 3 years will be launched. Fungi of the Bendigo Region covers the area from Kamarooka in the north to Mt Alexander in … Continue reading

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FOBIF AGM: first notice

The FOBIF Annual General Meeting will be held this year on Monday August 27 at 7.30 pm. More details about the location, program and guest speaker are forthcoming. Do you want to play a role on the FOBIF committee? Or … Continue reading

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