Category Archives: News

One million deer in Victoria!

In a recent article, the Victorian National Parks Association has this to say about the deer population explosion in Victoria: Deer have become Victoria’s cane toads. With a population of around 1 million deer in the state, and probably growing … Continue reading

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October walk in the Muckleford Forest

The last FOBIF walk for the year was an enjoyable and pleasant 5 km off-track walk led by Geoff Nevill in dry forest near the Red, White and Blue Poppet head. Geoff’s expert and relaxed guiding made for an interesting … Continue reading

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Creatures show opens

The FOBIF ‘Creatures’ photographic exhibition hosted by Togs Place in Lyttleton Street opened last Friday. It will run till 29 November. There are 24 photos which have been selected from the 125 photos that were sent into FOBIF. Once again … Continue reading

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Open house on Forest Fire Management Vic activities

Forest Fire Management Victoria has invited people to come and discuss their management activities including: The Joint Fuel Management Plan (previously Fire Operations Plan) Domestic firewood Planned burning and other fuel management activities State forest and crown land management When: Thursday … Continue reading

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TOGS exhibition starts soon

Our ‘Creatures’ Flickr album now has 116 terrific photos. The closing date for submitting photos was 1 October. The collection ranges from small invertebrates such as nymphs and spiders to larger creatures such as wallabies and echidnas. We are now … Continue reading

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Alison Pouliot’s new book on fungi

The Allure of Fungi by Alison Pouliot has recently been published by the CSIRO.   Alison’s press release: “Although relatively little known, fungi provide the links between the terrestrial organisms and ecosystems that underpin our functioning planet. The Allure of … Continue reading

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Extension of closing date for VEAC report submissions

A few weeks ago we included a post on The Victorian Environment Assessment Council draft report on its Central West Investigation. The report recommended that a significant part of the Wombat forest be included in a new Wombat-Lerderderg National Park. A … Continue reading

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Fryers Ranges walk: 15 September

Sunday saw a modestly sized group of 14 walk a circuit in the Fryers Ranges behind Taradale led by Christine Henderson. The walk was conducted at a relaxed pace with plenty of stops for plant and wild-flower photography and identification. … Continue reading

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‘Creatures’ photos

The closing date for entries to the FOBIF ‘Creatures’ project is 1 October so there is still time to send us your photos. The exhibition at TOGS cafe will open on 12 October and finish at the end of November. … Continue reading

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Spring [1] a sobering forecast

It’s spring! Wildflowers are a bit slow to emerge this year, but there are signs–plenty of orchids, for example. And we can always hope, though it’s been dry, and doesn’t look like it’s going to improve. Here’s the Bureau of … Continue reading

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