Category Archives: News

FOBIF committee 2023-4

At the AGM the following members were elected unopposed to the FOBIF committee for the upcoming year: President: Marie Jones; Vice President: Neville Cooper; Secretary: Bernard Slattery; Treasurer: Lynette Amaterstein; Committee members: Asha Bannon, Frances Cincotta, Christine Henderson, Jeremy Holland, … Continue reading

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Don’t look away

Local papers have recently carried items warning the public that snakes are about. Yes, they are, and the advice offered is good: be careful in areas snakes might frequent, control pets in such areas, be aware of correct procedures in … Continue reading

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FOBIF AGM: Monday 9 October 2023

The FOBIF AGM is on Monday 9th October not the 16th as was previously posted. Cassia Read will be the guest speaker: The urban garden in Box Ironbark Country: Can you have your roses and fairywrens too? You can find all … Continue reading

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FOBIF AGM: October 9, 2023

Our guest speaker at this year’s FOBIF Annual General Meeting will be Dr Cassia Read. Cassia is an ecologist, educator and garden designer, working at the intersection of biodiversity conservation and human wellbeing. She is Principal Ecologist and Co-Founder of … Continue reading

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Best in the world?

A strong group rocked up for FOBIF’s September walk in the Fryers Ranges yesterday. The weather was ideal, and the Ridge put on a typically spectacular display of wattles, peas, heath and numerous other species—thirty plus species in flower, by … Continue reading

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Death on the race

Are we being melodramatic? Maybe. Check this out: That’s a patch of Hardenbergia, on the side of the maintenance track on the Coliban main channel, south of the Fryers-Taradale road. There’s quite a lot of Hardenbergia on that stretch: in … Continue reading

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The Annual General Meeting of the Friends will be held on Monday October 9 at the Ray Bradfield Rooms, Castlemaine, at 7.30 pm. Committee elections will take place at the meeting. All members are eligible for election to the committee, … Continue reading

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Vale Phil Ingamells 1947-2023

Environmentalists around the state are mourning the sudden death of Phil Ingamells, who died suddenly at home last month. Phil spent a decade in Castlemaine in the nineties, and was active in the local campaign for a Box-Ironbark national park. … Continue reading

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New book for bike riders

This book which has just been published contains nine A4 sized maps, showing 16 road rides. There are detailed route descriptions, elevation profiles and local photographs. The rides are on surfaced roads, suitable for road bikes, gravel bikes, hybrids or … Continue reading

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Wattles orchids, and a tunnel transit

Beautiful weather enticed a strong group to join FOBIF’s August walk through the Maldon Historic reserve yesterday. The area is noted for its biodiversity, and though it’s still early in the season, there was plenty to see, including several species … Continue reading

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