Category Archives: News

A Killer Christmas bargain

This year has been the worst on record for drownings of native water rats, and the second worst for platypus. According to DELWP, an average of five platypus are drowned per week in Victoria, victims of illegal or inappropriate yabbie … Continue reading

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Snake and reptile workshop in January

Join Connecting Country and Muckleford Catchment Landcare on Saturday 19 January 2019 from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm to learn about snake ecology and behaviour. Snakes play an important role in healthy ecosystems, snacking on frogs and smaller reptiles and providing a food … Continue reading

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FOBIF breakup in Walmer

About 20 people gathered at Walmer last Monday for the FOBIF end of the year BBQ. It was perfect weather for a relaxed and enjoyable end of the year celebration. The FOBIF committee wishes all friends of our forests a … Continue reading

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Last weekend for nature photography show at Newstead

This weekend (22-23 December) is the last one for the Nature Photography in the Goldfields exhibition by Patrick Kavanagh, Geoff Park and Bronwyn Silver at the Newstead Railway Arts Hub. The ‘Hub’ will be open from 10am – 4pm.

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Highway matters

Vicroads has set up a community consultation on its plans to clear vegetation from the Pyrenees Highway between Newstead and Muckleford South. Readers may remember that FOBIF objected to some of these removals, arguing that the safety objective could be … Continue reading

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Kick up the dust! Churn up the creek! You have the right!

In 2012 a British think tank estimated that ‘for every pound made by advertising executives, they destroy an equivalent of £7 in the form of stress, overconsumption, pollution and debt; conversely, each pound paid to a trash collector creates an … Continue reading

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A small glimpse into a hotter future

Coliban Water has been promising to close down some of its inefficient water races for years. These include the Poverty Gully race, which has been leaking repeatedly—a problem not helped when a DELWP fuel reduction burn destroyed the plastic lining … Continue reading

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FOBIF breakup reminder

The FOBIF breakup for the year is on next Monday, 10 December beginning at 6pm. Further details can be found here. All FOBIF members and supporters are welcome.

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Nature photo shows

The opening of Nature Photography in the Goldfields by Geoff Park, Patrick Kavanagh and Bronwyn Silver will take place this Sunday at 11am at the Newstead Railway Arts Hub. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided. The exhibition will run … Continue reading

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It might look cute, but it’s a menace

Victoria’s weird practice of classifying deer as a protected species for the benefit of recreational hunters has come increasingly under fire from farmers, landcarers and municipalities, both rural and Melbourne fringe. If you’re under the impression that deer are cute … Continue reading

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