Category Archives: News

Mining in the Muckleford Forest?

FOBIF has supported an objection by the Muckleford Forest Friends group to a mining exploration application for the forest by Kalamazoo resources. Our objection is based on extreme caution about such exploration, mixed with bad experience with exploration and sampling … Continue reading

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An indigenous management plan for Kalimna Park?

Dja Dja Wurrung project officer Harley Douglas met with representatives from the Friends of Kalimna Park last weekend to discuss a projected management plan for the park. FOBIF was represented at the meeting. The state government has allocated $200,000 for … Continue reading

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Call for an effective deer strategy

It’s becoming increasingly obvious even to those not interested in conservation that deer are now a serious problem in large areas of Victoria. Reports of serious damage to wineries, and safety concerns over illegal shooting and potential road accidents appear … Continue reading

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What a difference lack of water can make

A good group rocked up for FOBIF’s April walk into the Salter’s Creek-Smutta’s Track area on Sunday. As expected, the bush is showing numerous signs of drought stress, including a significant number of dying Golden Wattles. Nevertheless, this corner of … Continue reading

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Change of route for FOBIF’s April walk

The route for FOBIF’s April walk, next Sunday the 21st, has been changed. It will now start at the Hunters track dam, on the corner of Irishtown Track, and cover about 5 km, partly on tracks, some through bush along the … Continue reading

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Driving 1: ‘For fun’s sake’

Viewers of sporting coverage on television last Friday might have noticed, if they weren’t asleep, a commercial for Suzuki, which featured a car tearing through a muddy road, then reversing, bouncing over some obstacle [possibly a dead body?]. The clip … Continue reading

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Driving 2: Do gladiators have sensitive thighs?

A regular offender in the matter of promoting tough guy destructive driving is The Age Drive section. Its edition of last Saturday [April 13] featured an extensive review of the Suzuki Gladiator, complete with pics of mud being spattered, and … Continue reading

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Remember the thinnings trial?

The ecological thinnings trial was conducted about 15 years ago in four locations in the box ironbark region. Locally the thinnings plot is in the Diggings Park along Morgans Track, between the Chewton-Fryerstown Road and the White Gum Track. The … Continue reading

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An invasive South American weed: Espartillo

Margaret Panter has produced another weed identification  pamphlet, this time about an invasive South American weed, Espartillo. If the text below is hard to read you could try this link for a clearer copy.

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Black Saturday, ten years on: what’s changed?

The March edition of the VNPA’s Parkwatch magazine is now online, and can be found online here. The magazine has numerous articles of interest, but we particularly recommend the section where the magazine looks over the Bushfire Royal Commission’s recommendations … Continue reading

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