Category Archives: News

Tackling the intractable

Users of Expedition Pass reservoir over the last year or so have noticed signs of serious stress in the Red Gums at the south western end of the dam wall, near the Golden Point Road. Reasons for the stress are … Continue reading

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Eucalypt photo competition

The Threatened Species Recovery Hub  is undertaking a nation-wide assessment of the conservation status of Australian eucalypt, which includes the genera Eucalyptus, Corymbia and Angophora. The assessment will help conservation managers to understand which species are at risk and will … Continue reading

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The promotion of lunacy 1: ‘let’s drive through those flood waters in our flash car!’

Last year Macquarie Uni’s Andrew Gissing and Fran Molloy offered this comment on driver behaviour and flood deaths: ‘Research by the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre found that most of the 178 flood-related deaths in Australia since 2000 have … Continue reading

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The promotion of lunacy 2: what are ‘prevailing community standards’?

A few weeks ago FOBIF wrote to several responsible persons/agencies complaining about car advertising which promoted unsafe and environmentally irresponsible driving. Recipients included the state Minister for road safety, the Federal Council for Automotive Industries, local MPs and the Ad … Continue reading

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In a different light … an exhibition by David Oldfield

David Oldfield’s fascinating exhibition, ‘In a Different Light: Australian Native Flower Photographs in Ultraviolet Light’, opened last Sunday (2nd June) at the Newstead Railway Arts Hub. David points out in an introductory pamphlet that camera manufacturers go to great lengths … Continue reading

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Life and death in the fire zone

The brilliant green in the photo below is Funaria hygrometrica, a moss which flourishes in fire ash. If you look closely you can see it’s growing in the ashes of a fallen tree. Harder to see, but still there, are … Continue reading

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Here’s an unexpected fire problem

The photo below shows solar panels at the foot of the Fryers Forest fire tower. One has been smashed by rocks tossed over the quite high fence surrounding the tower. Attacks on fire towers are not unheard of—reports from Gippsland … Continue reading

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Killing weeds, spreading weeds

Mount Alexander Shire decided last week to continue using Glyphosate as part of its weed killing programs. The chemical is a constituent of the widely used weedkiller Roundup. There is evidence that, at least in some usages, it may cause … Continue reading

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FOBIF tilts at a very large windmill

Readers will remember our irritation at the plethora of Television commercials for recreational vehicles, encouraging irresponsible and environmentally damaging driving practices. We’ve decided to see if we can get an opinion on this matter from responsible authorities, and have written … Continue reading

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Along the ridges

A small group of walkers embarked on FOBIF’s May expedition to the south end of the Diggings Park.  The group followed one of the little known ridges between Helge Track and Sebastopol Creek before angling up Stones Gully to return. … Continue reading

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