Category Archives: News

Objection to new supermarket

FOBIF has sent an objection to the Mount Alexander Shire to the displayed plans for a new supermarket at Forest and Urquhart Streets Castlemaine. The essentials of our objection are as follows: ‘We emphasise that we have no opinion on … Continue reading

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Climate action workshop

Here’s an activity that should be of wide interest:

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Another terrific photo for our TOGS show

Mitchell Parker sent us this atmospheric photo of a Cherry Ballart Exocarpos cupressiformis on Mount Alexander on a misty morning. You can find out how to contribute photos to the TOGS show here.  And don’t forget that entries to the Eucalypt photo … Continue reading

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Vale Uncle Brien Nelson

A large crowd gathered at the Campbell’s Creek community centre last Friday to mark the funeral of one of this community’s most distinguished leaders: Dja Dja Wurrung elder Uncle Brien Nelson, who died on June 28. There is a good … Continue reading

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First photo for our TOGS show collection

As mentioned in a previous post this year’s TOGS show will run from 19 September till 24 October and the theme is a general one about our local Box-Ironbark Forests. The closing date for the submission of photos is 19th August. … Continue reading

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FOBIF vs Suzuki: ho hum, what’s ‘self regulation worth’?

Here’s a brief follow up to our very modest victory over moronic TV advertising last week. The Ad Standards community panel found that that the Suzuki ad depicted unsafe driving in a positive light: ‘the Panel considered that the depiction … Continue reading

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A small victory: FOBIF 1 Suzuki 1

FOBIF’s complaint to Ad standards, the body supervising the voluntary code of practice of the car industry, about Suzuki’s ridiculous ‘for fun’s sake’ TV commercial, has been upheld. Suzuki went to great lengths to defend its commercial. Among other things … Continue reading

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Good times for the Bot Gardens flora and fauna reserve?

Mount Alexander Shire hosted a consultation with interested citizens last week to consider a management plan for the Botanical Gardens flora and fauna reserve. The plan would be implemented in tandem with the gardens conservation management plan, which was open … Continue reading

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Gold 1: What do you want to remember? What would you rather forget?

What does the phrase ‘extensive vegetation modification’ mean? Answer: in Heritage speak, it’s a reference to what happened to our landscape during the gold rush. It’s code for: trashed landscapes, ruined waterways, denuded forest lands. Why do heritage documents use … Continue reading

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Gold 2: preservation or repair?

The new plan does make some advances on the old on the twin questions of environmental damage and Aboriginal dispossession. For a start, it explicitly tries to incorporate a role for indigenous questions in park interpretation: ‘In 2013 settlement of … Continue reading

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