Category Archives: News

TOGS photo show opens

FOBIF’s photographic show is now open at TOGS cafe in Lyttleton Street. It will run till 24 October. All photos are for sale with proceeds going to FOBIF. Since 1999 the Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests has been conducting art … Continue reading

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Around the Wewak Track

Last Sunday’s FOBIF excursion was a 5 km loop walk in Wewak Track area at the southern end of the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park. It was a warm overcast day and fortunately the threatened rain held off. Numerous plant … Continue reading

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It’s not Bambi, it’s not cute–and it’s coming to a place near you

More and more deer sightings are being reported from our region, where they were once reasonably uncommon. A herd of 11 was seen in Muckleford last month, and last weekend 7 were sighted in the Gough’s Range State Forest. Reports … Continue reading

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Carnivale for Climate Action

The Maldon Neighbourhood Centre has asked us to publicise this new Maldon street festival that will take place this Sunday (September 22). Ditch your car for the day! Maldon goes car free for climate action Walk, cycle, catch the bus … Continue reading

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Reminder: FOBIF AGM coming up

Jase Haysom, well known local map maker, will be our speaker at the upcoming FOBIF AGM on Monday 9 September. The meeting will start at 7.30 in the Ray Bradfield Room, Castlemaine (next to Mostyn Street IGA supermarket). Information on … Continue reading

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Two presentations on The New Nature by TIM LOW

Tim Low, biologist and best-selling author of author of seven books about nature, will be giving 2 talks in central Vic, discussing The New Nature. This intriguing work looks at how modern human activity is changing the lives of many … Continue reading

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Rubbish: hang on, this isn’t rubbish…

We’ve almost stopped being surprised by the rubbish people dump in the bush: a complete lounge suite in Kalimna Park! A washing machine in the Columbine Creek catchment! What will the dumpers think of next? And what does that tell … Continue reading

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Wood theft continues–and continues to be supported

More evidence of systematic looting of our bushlands: trees cut down and removed from the circuit walk in Kalimna Park. To put this practice in context, it’s worth considering some of the social media reactions to it. For example, a … Continue reading

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Promoting bad behaviour in the bush

What a great photo! No nonsense about ‘keeping to formed tracks,’ which is the law on Victoria’s public land. This is the latest piece of cowboy propaganda from The Age [24/8], which shares with numerous 4WD ads on TV an … Continue reading

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Views north, south and west

A strong group turned up for FOBIF’s August walk in brisk weather yesterday. They were rewarded with a fine route across high ridges above Expedition Pass, with magnificent views north and south, triangulated by Mounts Alexander, Macedon and Franklin. The … Continue reading

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