Category Archives: News

It’s a miracle! Scott Morrison was right! And wrong! At the same time!

The early start to the bushfire season has generated a debate about the connection between climate change and bushfires. This is another debate we can expect to sputter on over summer. It’s important to be clear about what the argument … Continue reading

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So: how’s the climate here?

The Bureau of Meteorology and the CSIRO have released a series of local climate guides summing up the changes in the last few decades around Australia. The guide for North Central Victoria can be found here. It reveals that average … Continue reading

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FOBIF breakup reminder: 9 December

Members and supporters of FOBIF are welcome at this years BBQ breakup in Walmer. Find out where and what to bring here.

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FOBIF 2019 breakup

On Monday 9 December Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests is having a BBQ at Bronwyn Silver’s place in Walmer. It starts at 6 pm and the address is 1036 Muckleford-Walmer Road, Walmer.  BYO *  food to share, including something for … Continue reading

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Presentation: The Secret Life of Mistletoe

There will be a presentation on Thursday 21 November at Newstead Community Centre, Lyons Street, Newstead at 8pm. The subject is ‘The Secret Life of Mistletoe’ by David M Watson. All welcome. A gold coin donation would be appreciated. David … Continue reading

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Community-led deer monitoring via DeerScan

Wild deer are now listed as a high priority pest animal in many jurisdictions across Australia and more stories are emerging of landholders being increasingly impacted by deer, while members of the public are very concerned about deer damage in … Continue reading

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Summer’s coming, and here’s evidence

The weather’s warming, and reptiles are out. It’s time to be careful wandering in grassy areas. And of course it’s time to pay attention on the highway, so as not to be part of the ongoing slaughter of our reptiles. … Continue reading

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Celebrate the butterfly!

Elaine Bayes has supplied us with details of a terrific program of activities designed to improve knowledge of the Eltham Copper Butterfly. Details are below: If you would like to help protect Eltham Copper Butterflies or would simply like a … Continue reading

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Strenuous effort, rich rewards

A strong contingent took on brisk weather and a couple of strenuous climbs on FOBIF’s October walk yesterday. The route took the group from the Railway Dam up to the Fryers fire tower, down to Fryers Creek and up again … Continue reading

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NEW: FOBIF greeting cards

FOBIF has produced eight greeting cards featuring photographs of our local bushlands.  All the photos have been part of FOBIF photo exhibitions. Photographers are Joy Clusker, Patrick Kavanagh, Damian Kelly, Geoff Park, Bronwyn Silver, Bernard Slattery and Noel Young. Click … Continue reading

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