Category Archives: News

The collapse of civilisation–a progress report

Signs: what do they mean? And, especially, what does it mean that a lot of the signs around our parks are pretty decrepit? We posed this question a couple of years ago when we published this photo of a sign … Continue reading

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When the storm passes, what?

There’s increasing discussion about how Australia is going to recover from the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 attack. In this context we think it’s worth thinking about a proposal submitted to the Prime Minister by the Australian Conservation Foundation, … Continue reading

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Looking into the fire disaster

Following the summer’s fire disasters, the Inspector General for Emergency Management is running an enquiry into Victoria’s response to bushfire. Among many other things, the enquiry will  ‘Review … all opportunities and approaches to bushfire preparedness, including different methods of … Continue reading

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Meanwhile, in that other world…

And amidst the gloom, let’s not forget that things are happening out there:

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A couple of ways to stay connected . . .

Andrew Skeoch, is live streaming his morning bushwalks each day on his listening earth FB page – starting 7.30am. Andrew is a well-known environmentalist and nature sound recordist who lives on a large bush block in Strangways. Watching his daily … Continue reading

Posted in Nature Observations, News, Walks | 2 Comments

COVID 19: FOBIF walks cancelled

With great regret we have suspended the 2020 FOBIF Walks Program due to the COVID-19 health crisis and the current regulations and restrictions.  The April geology tour is therefore cancelled, and subsequent walks are also called off. When the program … Continue reading

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Bunkered down? Here’s something to read that’s not depressing

Finding your activities a bit restricted by new regulations connected to the pandemic? Well, there’s always reading, and as it happens the March issue of the Wombat Forestcare newsletter is out. As usual it’s full of good stuff. You can … Continue reading

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Tree trashing: chapter 10,000

The pic below shows a stretch of the Railway Dam road north of the Fryers Ridge Road. Significant numbers of sizeable trees have been cut down: ‘hazardous tree removal’ in preparation for DELWP’s upcoming management burn. This exercise is a … Continue reading

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Tunnel Hill is set to go

DELWP is about to conduct its Tunnel Hill management burn (CAS 073), in the area bounded by Railway Dam road, Fryers Ridge Road and Tunnel Hill track. You can find an interactive map of the area here. The fire zone … Continue reading

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Two sides of a track…

In the light of the upcoming management burn in Kalimna Park, here are a couple of photos to brood on. They were taken at a point on the Circuit Walk track last week. One side of the track was burned … Continue reading

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