Category Archives: News

Don’t be put off by the big words

Prevailing wisdom in the political class envisages big population increases in Victoria in the next few decades. Whether these increases are a good idea, or will prove to be illusions after COVID 19 is not clear, but in any case … Continue reading

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Send a card to stay in touch . . .

Our greeting cards are now available from Buda, 42 Hunter St, Castlemaine, Friday to Sunday, 1-4 pm and Falkner Gallery, 35 Templeton Street, Castlemaine, Thursday to Saturday, 11-4 pm. We can also deliver them if you live reasonably close to … Continue reading

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Cats, dogs and biodiversity

Readers of the daily press will have noted the damning report on Australia’s biodiversity protection laws, which concluded, among other things: “The EPBC Act is ineffective. It is not fit for current or future environmental challenges, such as climate change.” … Continue reading

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Dogs, cats, chooks, biodiversity…and viruses

Which one of the above is the odd one out? Answer: none. The world is a pretty tangled place, and pretty well everything in it is linked. This is the gist of our recommended lockdown reading for the month: On … Continue reading

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A small, good thing

Pandemics are global matters, of course, but David-Toews insight that preservation of biodiversity is an important factor in preventing them offers us plenty of ways to be part of that prevention. One such is open to us now: a chance … Continue reading

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Want to do your bit for biodiversity? Do it in the garden!

You have to admire weeds: their tenacity is an example to us all. Every gardener knows that they don’t give up without a fight, and the struggle against them can seem to be both thankless and futile. Even talking about … Continue reading

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Free spectacle on show now

This year has been a good one for mosses. Their bright green colours have been prominent, even dominant in many places. The roadside pictured below is a fair sample: With a bit of luck the season will get even better … Continue reading

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FOBIF July walk: Exploring the valleys

Yesterday’s FOBIF walking group was divided into two for the expedition into the upper reaches of the Columbine Creek catchment—COVID 19 regulations obliging us to keep each group’s numbers below ten. The two groups approached the circuit from opposite directions, … Continue reading

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Next FOBIF walk on 19 July

The planned FOBIF walk led by Jeremy Holland will take place next Sunday 19th July. We will meet as normal at Community House in Templeton Street, Castlemaine at 9.30am. Total walk distance will be 8.5 km and you will need … Continue reading

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What is it? And where is it going?

So: what’s that grey discolouration in the water of Forest Creek at the Wheeler Street bridge, after rain last week? Answer: It’s pollution runoff come down the gutter from somewhere in the town. We won’t speculate as to exactly what … Continue reading

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