Category Archives: News

Investing in public health

‘Environmental infrastructure’ is one of those phrases that makes the eyes glaze over, but actually, all it means is: things that help you enjoy good places. That is, bush tracks, ways of enjoying parks and gardens, and so on. As … Continue reading

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More on October walk with FOBIF

Twenty people have registered for our October FOBIF walk. This is the maximum number of people we can have in two walking groups with current regulations. There maybe some people who end up withdrawing so still let us know if … Continue reading

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FOBIF’s October walk

As mentioned in a previous post there will be a FOBIF walk on Sunday 18th October in the Chewton Bushlands led by Antoinette Birkenbeil and Karen Baker. (We briefly had the wrong date for the walk but now corrected.) On … Continue reading

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More lockdown reading!

The September issue of Wombat Forestcare newsletter is now out, and can be found here As usual, it’s a great read, containing articles about owls, the continuing uncertain status of the Wombat Forest, bird calls, fungi, and a very sobering … Continue reading

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Add your view on Kalimna Park

Community members are being invited to participate in a Zoom workshop session, facilitated by Djandak (Dja Dja Wurrung Enterprises), to discuss values, threats, priorities, and opportunities associated with Kalimna Park- as part of the Walking Together- Balak Kalik Manya Project. … Continue reading

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Spectacular spring this year

It has been a unusual spring both in terms of the abundance of wildflowers and the number of people out there walking and enjoying the bush. Greenhoods have been particularly impressive. This was one of many patches in the bush … Continue reading

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Cancellation of walks

The next two FOBIF walks (16 August and 20 September) are cancelled due to reintroduction of government restrictions on the number of people allowed to walk together. Hopefully we will be able to resume our walks on 18 October which … Continue reading

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How to do it: Golf!?

FOBIF’s recommended lockdown reading for this week is a short article on a Golf Course! The article by Megan Backhouse can be found here. It’s to do with management of native vegetation on the Royal Melbourne course: ‘The club’s Black … Continue reading

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How not to do it 1: the Maldon catastrophe

Late last month Forest Fire Management crews groomed a significant area of Parks Victoria managed land on the south eastern edge of Maldon township. Grooming (that is, slashing to ground level) is common fuel reduction technique close to urban areas, … Continue reading

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How not to do it 2: the problem is…

Maybe as important as all of the above is this: workers should be fully briefed. The golfer’s artless comment that ‘there aren’t any plants’ in a recently burned patch exactly replicates the comment made by one of the workers to … Continue reading

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