Category Archives: News

The cost of deer

The Victorian government’s Deer Control strategy was at last released on October 30. You can find it here. The strategy contains some quite frightening info—with photos— about the damage increasing deer populations are doing to the agriculture sector and protected … Continue reading

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Kalimna Park co-management: an update

As we’ve previously reported, work is under way to produce a new management plan for Kalimna Park, in the Balak Kalik Manya (Walking Together) project. A progress report by Harley Douglas, manager of the project, is published below. It’s worth … Continue reading

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Disasters (1): ‘the outlook is alarming’

The Royal Commission into national natural disaster arrangements has released a report nearly six hundred pages long scoping the scale of natural disasters in Australia, and what can be done to avert the worst consequences of such events. You can … Continue reading

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Disasters (2): we have a report. What action can we expect?

The Commission has made over a hundred recommendations.  The question is: how many of them will actually be implemented? This will depend on how much political pressure is put on to Government: but you can get a sobering clue from … Continue reading

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FOBIF AGM reminder

As mentioned in a previous post FOBIF has decided to have a Zoom AGM on Monday November 9 at 7.30. Members and supporters who wish to attend can register by emailing FOBIF ( We would like people to register 48 … Continue reading

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Another hunting riddle: the state government and duck shooting

A couple of years ago we expressed surprise at the apparently supine attitude of the state Labor government before the hunting lobby. Its so called ‘deer strategy‘, for example,  was ‘more concerned to gratify the hunting lobby than to respond … Continue reading

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Zoom in to the FOBIF AGM

FOBIF has decided to have a Zoom AGM on Monday November 9 at 7.30. Members and supporters are cordially invited to attend. You’ll need to register to do this. Those who register will be sent a log in link, in … Continue reading

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Last FOBIF walk for the year

Twenty walkers in two groups set off last Sunday for a delightful walk along the Coliban Water Reserve in Kennedy’s Lane where the old Harcourt Channel runs through remnant wetland on the outskirts of the Chewton Bushlands. The pace was … Continue reading

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New from old: an indigenous management plan for Kalimna

A new management plan for Kalimna Park will be released for consultation before the end of the year. The plan, part of the Balak Kalik Manya (Walking Together) project, is part of ongoing indigenous co management  in the park. Not … Continue reading

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Supermarket objection

FOBIF has submitted an objection to the planning  permit application for a new supermarket in Duke Street Castlemaine. Our submission is essentially a repeat of our objection to a previous version of this permit application. We said at the time … Continue reading

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