Category Archives: News

Fire: is there a change in the air?

The announcement of a new year of fuel reduction activity by DELWP provokes the usual thoughts: will the program be effective in actually reducing fuel? Will it be properly monitored? Will there be negative effects environmentally and economically (over-hot burns, … Continue reading

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Native pea greeting cards and guide now available

We have taken some of photos from the new Native Pea book and made them into greeting cards with detailed species notes on the back. They are now available in a set of 8 with envelopes for $20. The cards … Continue reading

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In what might be a world record short time between announcement and cancellation, FOBIF has been forced to call off its Zoom launch of Native Peas of the Mount Alexander Region. The timed launch clashed with an important Connecting Country … Continue reading

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‘Native pea plants in the bush: they’re hard to see when they’re not in flower, and hard to miss when they are. They’re spectacular, but it’s hard to deny that they’re very occasionally hard to identify. The good news is … Continue reading

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Geology tour booked out

There are now 25 people booked into our FOBIF geology tour led by Clive Willman on March 21. If you would still like to come contact us ( and we will put on the waiting list. 

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FOBIF 2021

 There are several ways you can be part of FOBIF activities in 2021 as well as coming on our monthly walks. Committee meetings are open to all members. They are held between 6 and 7 pm at the Community House, … Continue reading

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New website for Newstead Natives

Frances Cincotta started her nursery, Newstead Natives, in 1999. In the nursery she propagates almost 200 species for local habitat restoration and sells 25000 plants each year. Many people will be familiar with Newstead Natives’s presence on Facebook and Instagram … Continue reading

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Mushroom foraging with Alison Pouliot and Tom May

Have you ever wondered if those mushroom you have collected are safe to eat? Alison Pouliot and Tom May will answer all your queries about edible and toxic mushrooms in their new book, Wild Mushrooming; A Guide for Foragers, published … Continue reading

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2021 Walks program and membership

Our walks program for 2021 is now available. It’s a good idea to check our website before each walk. Membership subscriptions for 2021 are now due. If you haven’t received the renewal form in the mail or would like to … Continue reading

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Coming soon!

FOBIF’s latest field guide, Native Peas of the Mount Alexander Region, is in the last stages of preparation, and will be launched in the next couple of months. Similar in format to our guides to moss, eucalypts and wattles, it’s … Continue reading

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