Category Archives: News

March geology excursion with Clive Willman

Report written by Cassia Read. Clive Willman led members of FOBIF on a fascinating geological tour, exploring the dynamic history of volcanoes and rivers that shaped landscapes in the Mount Alexander region. Evidence of this history was visible in rock … Continue reading

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…And what could possibly be special about this?

Think of a small, degraded patch of bush, surrounded by industrial sites and roads, only 4 kilometres from the centre of a sizeable city. It’s a tiny remnant of the ravages of gold fever, ‘symbolic of the way nature is … Continue reading

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Track the threat

Deer were sighted last week in the Middleton Creek area of the Diggings park. This feral species has now been seen in numbers in almost every corner of our region. Every credible community group, including farmers, municipalities and enviro organisations, … Continue reading

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This month’s FOBIF bush walk

The next FOBIF bush walk ‘Waterway and gully: Middleton Creek’ will take place next Sunday, 18 April. We will meet at the Community House in Templeton Street at 9.30. There is no need to register for this walk. All welcome. … Continue reading

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Fire 1: ‘This time, it will be different…?’

FOBIF has received an answer from DELWP fire management to our questions about proposed burns in the Diggings Park in the areas of Helge and Wewak tracks. Readers will remember we asked what lessons the Department had learned from its … Continue reading

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Fire 2: Let’s see what is at stake

The two zones proposed for burning are between the Italian Hill track and the Wewak track, south of Vaughan Springs (see the map in our post). The northern section of this area was burned by the Department in the early … Continue reading

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New twist for this year’s Camp Out on the Mount

Since 2013, Connecting Country, local Landcare, and other community groups have organised a free ‘Camp Out on the Mount’ event on Leanganook/Mount Alexander. This year, to reduce the risk of having to cancel or reschedule, they have decided to jump … Continue reading

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Making the stones talk

FOBIF’s March ‘walk’ yesterday was a geology tour of the district led by Clive Willman. Good numbers turned up despite the rain, which turned out to be reasonably friendly, though umbrellas did come out at one of the stops. Volcanoes, … Continue reading

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FOBIF geology tour

The FOBIF geology tour will still take place today despite the rain. For people who have registered we are meeting at 9,30 at the Community House. 

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So: what’s new?

Is public land management governed by science? Or is it by a chaotic mix of politics, self interest and old habits? Let’s not by cynical about this, and see what researchers on public land are finding out. This week the … Continue reading

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