Category Archives: News

A good reason for doing a local budget submission

Here are some fun facts: ‘Weeds cost Australia $3.9 billion per year in lower farm incomes and higher food costs. In addition, Commonwealth, State and local government spend at least $116.4 million each year on costs of monitoring, control, management … Continue reading

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Art most fowl!

Looking for something positive to do on the weekend? Try Art most fowl, an exhibition uniting two artists, Bridget Farmer and Rhyll Plant,at the Newstead Arts Hub, on weekends from 10 to 4, closing on May 30th. ‘Art Most Fowl … Continue reading

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A sanctuary at Cairn Curran?

Readers will remember that last year FOBIF supported a letter to the Premier urging the banning of recreational shooting of birds, a practice banned in every eastern state except Victoria. Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting (RVOTDS) running a petition … Continue reading

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May FOBIF walk

Our next FOBIF walk will be at Pilchers Bridge Nature Conservation Reserve on Sunday 16 May. The Reserve is 30km NE of Castlemaine. There is no need to book for this walk and everyone is welcome. Bring fungi and eucalypt … Continue reading

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It was super but not pink

A ‘pink’ supermoon lit up the sky above Australia last Tuesday night. The moon, which began rising around 5:30 pm, appeared 17 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than usual. Several small groups gathered at different vantage points … Continue reading

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MAS survey: Your community, your vision

Mount Alexander Shire is currently asking residents to respond to a survey about the Shire and its future. Responses to the survey will ‘inform the development of a new ten-year Community Vision, as well as our four-year Council Plan, and … Continue reading

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Questions, questions…

A small group of FOBIF members took a stroll last week through a patch of the Fryers Forest slated for burning within the next two years. This is burn is coded CAS-0243 Glenluce – Columbine Creek and is in the … Continue reading

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Cats, dogs, visions

Mount Alexander Shire is running a couple of consultations of interest at the moment. The first invites residents to share their vision of the shire and how it should be. You can participate by going to This consultation closes … Continue reading

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Central West forests: um, what’s happening?

Readers will remember that a long time ago, before we started thinking about viruses and such, VEAC made some significant recommendations to the state government about the status of forests on the margins of our region. The recommendations were moderate … Continue reading

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What’s special about this?

A strong group took on FOBIF’s walk to Middleton Creek yesterday, our first open  walk for many months. Middleton Creek is a marvellous waterway, characterised by interesting twists and turns and rocky cliffs. Unfortunately it’s currently overrun with gorse and … Continue reading

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