Category Archives: News

FOBIF 2021 breakup

Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests is having a BBQ at Bronwyn Silver’s place in Walmer on Monday 13 December. It starts at 6 pm and the address is 1036 Muckleford-Walmer Road, Walmer. BYO *  food to share, including something for … Continue reading

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Duck shooting: Victoria is still the lonely hunter in eastern Australia

Regional Victorians opposed to Duck Shooting has written to Mount Alexander Shire urging it to take a more proactive role in getting rid of shooting at Cairn Curran. FOBIF, along with Bird Life Australia (Castlemaine district) and the Castlemaine Field … Continue reading

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Is PV running a chain of amusement parks?

FOBIF has given in to temptation again, and had a shot at the consultation process on Parks Victoria’s land management strategy. Our submission concentrated on two points: The draft strategy is completely vague on how Parks Victoria will handle the … Continue reading

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Peak season

A strong group tackled FOBIF’s October walk around the Fryers Ridge yesterday in fine cool weather. The walk started at the junction of the Fryers Ridge and Fryers-Taradale roads, and wound down some nameless tracks and around to gullies on … Continue reading

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A fantasy, and a dose of reality

One day we might see a big headline in all the Murdoch media: ‘Biodiversity: worth fighting for!’ Until then, we’ll have to be content with a small item in the mainstream media, and things like the following: ‘Victoria’s biodiversity provides … Continue reading

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Take a walk!

It’s spring. It’s time to get out and have a look around—if you can. And here’s an extra incentive to go out to explore a bit: FOBIF’s latest publication, Twenty Bushwalks in the Mount Alexander Region, is off the presses. It … Continue reading

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Parks Victoria: good ideas, bad ideas

Parks Victoria has released a draft Land Management Strategy for consultation. You can find it here,  together with info on how to put in a response to the strategy. The consultation is open till November 1. The draft document has … Continue reading

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Excellent spring reading

In case you’re not already in the loop: the September edition of the Wombat Forestcare newsletter is now online. You can find it here.  Among many excellent articles is one by Tanya Loos on echidnas, with much useful info on … Continue reading

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Looking for some garden info?

FOBIF has sets of Australian Plants magazine, dating from 1969 to 2009, looking for a good home. They’re a fascinating record of enthusiasts’ and experts’ reflections on the place of Australian plants in gardens and the environment. Interested? They’re free … Continue reading

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Strategic Fuel Breaks 1: settlements

The draft map below shows the strategic fuel breaks proposed for the Castlemaine township area. Final decisions about the breaks are yet to be made, but the works are expected to be completed this financial year. The main fuel breaks … Continue reading

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