Category Archives: News

Dialogues of the deaf 2: an example

Tarilta resident Rob Simons sent The Conversation article to local fire managers asking they consider it before undertaking the upcoming Helge Track burn. The reply he got is remarkable, in that it completely ignores the argument of the article: ‘Thanks … Continue reading

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Dialogues of the deaf 3: what’s in a phrase?

The two arguments above have a rough parallel in ecology: Leaf litter is dangerous fuel which builds up and needs to be destroyed by burning. Leaf litter is important insect habitat, which reduces itself via invertebrate activity and natural decomposition. … Continue reading

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Fun reading: is this a flashback, or a flash forward?

Given the spate of gold exploration licences being sought, and granted, in this region, we’d like to remind readers of a fun document which appeared as the pandemic was gathering pace, and may not have gotten the attention it deserved. … Continue reading

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The middle of nowhere, on the outskirts of town

A strong group gathered yesterday in fine weather for FOBIF’s first walk of 2022. Mike Reeves had devised an ingenious route on the outskirts of Elphinstone: confined to a relatively small area, the walk wound through bushland gullies which could … Continue reading

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Strategic fuel breaks 1: the prospects for 2022

As we’ve reported (see our posts, with maps, here, here and here), DELWP is planning to create Strategic Fuel Breaks (SFB) in our region over the next two years. Castlemaine households have been recently letterboxed about this program. Note that … Continue reading

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Strategic Fuel Breaks 2: points of contention

Readers will remember that FOBIF’s major concern is that mulching of high value roadsides will be catastrophic both from a biodiversity and amenity point of view. Further, we are curious about the relationship between the SFB program and the Fire … Continue reading

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A great discovery

There’s not a great deal to be rejoicing about right now, but here’s one thing, a report by John Walter in the latest edition of Wombat Forestcare newsletter: ‘As a regular visitor to our forests, woodlands and grasslands, I can … Continue reading

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Fire’s On

Mount Alexander Shire residents may have received a couple of DELWP leaflets in their letter boxes last week, informing them of upcoming management burns. All are fuel reduction exercises—ecology is a secondary consideration, if it’s a consideration at all. For … Continue reading

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The cliffs of lunacy

Decades ago Simone Weil predicted that ‘‘We will see throughout the country the most incredible absurdities—and they will appear natural.’ She was right on any number of fronts. One of the most incredible is car advertisements on TV and online. … Continue reading

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Grevillea: check out a local speciality

Malmsbury Landcare and the Threatened Species conservancy have devised a project to map the distribution of our local rare Grevillea species, Grevillea obtecta – the Fryerstown Grevillea. The project uses a mobile phone app to capture and save data whenever … Continue reading

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