Category Archives: News

Walk on Sunday, 18 September

This Sunday’s 5 km walk will be in the Muckleford Forest. The walk will be leisurely with plenty of time to look at wildflowers including the many orchids that will be flowering now. We will be meeting at the Community … Continue reading

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When it rains, it roars

La Nina is rolling on, and maybe we’re in danger of forgetting what it’s like when the country is turning to dust! Solid rain last week brought sights we’ve seen intermittently, but not too often in the last twenty odd … Continue reading

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Reminder: FOBIF AGM next Monday (September 12)

The Annual General Meeting of Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests will be held in the Ray Bradfield Room at 7.30 next Monday. This meeting room is in Victory Park, Castlemaine with access from the IGA carpark or Mostyn Street. The … Continue reading

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Get in on the ground storey

Interested in digging a bit deeper into the ‘problem’ of leaf litter? Remember: it’s the stuff which is a fire risk, and should be cleaned up…or it’s the stuff which keeps moisture in the soil, and prevents erosion…or maybe it’s … Continue reading

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A stroll through the Metcalfe NCR

Good numbers rocked up for FOBIF’s August walk through the Metalfe Nature Conservation Reserve yesterday. This small reserve features beautiful open valleys of grassy woodland, the understorey dominated by Wallaby Grass. The reserve, unusually for this region, carries no Stringybarks, … Continue reading

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Reminder about FOBIF AGM on 12 September

As outlined in a previous post, the FOBIF AGM will be held in the Ray Bradfield Room on 12 September beginning at 7.30. After a short time for AGM formalities Patrick Kavanagh will deliver on talk on Photographing Nature. Patrick … Continue reading

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The FOBIF Annual General Meeting will be held at the Ray Bradfield Rooms, Castlemaine, on Monday September 12th at 7.30. All members and supporters are welcome. The guest speaker at the meeting will be Patrick Kavanagh, who will talk on … Continue reading

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FOBIF’s walks guide: an update!

Parks Victoria is currently undertaking landscaping works around the Garfield Wheel in the Castlemaine Diggings NHP. These have changed the nature of the signage in the area, and therefore affect the directions we have given for Walk 8 in our … Continue reading

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Roadside riddles

Mount Alexander shire conducted three poorly advertised consultation sessions through June and July on its draft Roadside fuel and bushfire risk strategy. The draft document can be found online here The draft, prepared by Fire Risk Consultants, proposes ‘treatment’ of … Continue reading

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State of the environment: I don’t need to change, do I?

Australia’s State of the Environment report 2021 was belatedly released last week. The report’s grim findings have been widely publicised, and we won’t repeat what will be already widely known. It’s worth pointing out, however, that the report is peppered … Continue reading

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