Category Archives: News

Great Southern Bioblitz

The Great Southern Bioblitz on iNaturalist runs from midnight on Thursday 27th October to midnight on 31st October. The idea is for the community to capture as many records (photo or sound recording) of life forms in the wild i.e. … Continue reading

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Houses, people, nature

In case you missed it: the Mount Alexander Shire is doing a housing and neighbourhood character study for the townships of Castlemaine, Campbells Creek and Chewton. It’s looking for your input. The date for submissions is Sunday November 6. You can … Continue reading

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Grevillea obtecta talk and walk cancelled

Castlemaine Field Naturalists have informed us that the planned Grevillea obtecta talk and investigation walk planned for tonight and tomorrow have unfortunately had to be cancelled. Readers looking around them will not be surprised to find that the reason for … Continue reading

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Meeting cancelled (Our land at contact)

Message from Newstead Landcare Due to the high risk of floods today and tomorrow, in sorrowful mood we’ve decided to cancel the presentation by Barry Golding for our AGM tomorrow night. Barry will do his presentation early in 2023. We … Continue reading

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The way things used to be?

Here’s a good reason to make it into the Bendigo CBD: go to the library! OK, there are libraries elsewhere in the region, but the one in the CBD has a trump card right now. It’s an aquarium, more than … Continue reading

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It’s unique, it’s rare, it’s in our backyard: like to learn more about it?

The locally endemic Fryerstown Grevillea (Grevillea obtecta). is common in small areas of our region, but it’s not widespread and is subject to threats. This week the Castlemaine Field Naturalists are running two sessions encouraging citizens to participate in programs … Continue reading

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Moss greeting cards

FOBIF is now selling moss greeting cards on line. The cards feature local moss photos by Bernard Slattery and Bronwyn Silver.  Each folded card is 10 x 14.5 cm with botanical details on the back. They are available for sale … Continue reading

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FOBIF walks news

Alex Panelli will lead our last walk for the year in the Fryers Ridge area on Sunday 16 October. Details about this walk can be found here and Alex will post further information in a later on this site. The … Continue reading

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The importance of ‘invisible’ things

A strong turnout at FOBIF’s AGM last Monday heard a tantalising talk and photo presentation by Patrick Kavanagh  on things you can see through macro photography. The spectacular images of tiny creatures inhabiting our flora—and each other—underlined the importance to … Continue reading

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Slime moulds, orchids, wattles…

The biggest group of the year fronted grey skies and damp forecasts for FOBIF’s September walk in the Muckleford Nature Conservation Reserve yesterday. There was no lounging around in the sun, but walkers were rewarded with an experience of this … Continue reading

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