Category Archives: News

Last days of FOBIF exhibition (11-13 March)

The FOBIF exhibition at Newstead Arts Hub will be running this Saturday, Sunday and Monday (Labour Day). The opening hours for Saturday and Sunday are 10 am to 4 pm. On Monday we will begin taking down the show at … Continue reading

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What a difference a decade makes

Check out the two photos below, taken at the same point on the Porcupine Ridge road, 11 years apart: In 2012 the charmingly attractive and very unpleasant Cup Moth (Doratifera sp) was laying waste to our bushlands, and especially the … Continue reading

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New name, new…er…

In case you’re confused, DELWP has changed its name: it’s now the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.

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Alison Pouliot’s new book launch

Alison Pouliot has extended a warm welcome to all FOBIF members and supporters to the launch of her new book Underground Lovers: Encounters with Fungi, There will be several launch venues in Central Victoria including: Friday 3 March Newham Wednesday … Continue reading

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New FOBIF book!

FOBIF has just published a catalogue of our current exhibition at the Newstead Arts Hub. This 70 page book, Responding to Country: Friends of the Box-Ironbark Forests 1998-2023, includes: Photos with accompanying words by 25 members and supporters, Drawings by … Continue reading

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Celebrating attention to country

Well over 120 people overflowed the Newstead Arts Hub on Saturday for the launch of the FOBIF turns 25 exhibition. Friends President Marie Jones gave a brief run down on the group’s 25 year history, from its beginning in the … Continue reading

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Money…and a reminder!

Sales of FOBIF’s guides are going so well that all five books will be reprinted before autumn is over. All books have now gone through multiple reprints. Unfortunately costs have risen, and we’ve been obliged to raise the price of … Continue reading

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New tracks in the Diggings Park

Parks Victoria has completed its network of new walks centred on the Garfield Wheel trailhead in the Castlemaine Diggings NHP. Maps and descriptions can be found here. The new walks are marked by distinctive posts, and supported by online maps … Continue reading

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New Tracks 2: missed opportunities?

There are some disappointing features in these notes, probably typical of heritage discourse generally. A few examples: –The Quartz Hill walk notes describe puddling wheels, but somehow forget to point out that these were seriously polluting. Captain Bull tried unsuccessfully … Continue reading

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Reminder about FOBIF exhibition

The FOBIF show at the Newstead Arts Hub will be opened by Alison Pouliot at 10.30 on Saturday 25 February. Everyone is welcome and there will be refreshments. Find out more here and see all the contributions here. Geoff Park … Continue reading

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