Category Archives: Nature Observations

Where’s the heritage?

The photo below shows old sluicing pipes in the Fryers Forest. As they decay, they provide shelter for the growth of seedlings which will eventually hasten their destruction. Is this decay the gradual fading of our heritage? Maybe–if we identify … Continue reading

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Garden birds in Castlemaine

Damian Kelly has contributed this article on birds in his Castlemaine garden. To see previous posts by Damian on garden birds, click here and here. This summer has seen a much reduced number and range of birds in my garden … Continue reading

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The satisfied looking individual above was photographed by John Ellis at Golden Point last week. He was ‘a friendly chap, who didn’t mind posing at camera height.’ Koalas are not uncommon in our area, with some landholders reporting sightings every … Continue reading

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Rosella fledgings display their colours

Several Eastern Rosella fledgling recently fell out of a nest box in John and Marie’s yard at Golden Point. They landed in saltbush below where the adults fed them for a week before they finally flew off. A week or … Continue reading

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State of the forests, 1870

Doug Ralph has supplied us with the text below, as evidence of 19th century attitudes to forest use. The report is from the Argus newspaper, and can be found on the National Library’s Trove website: “The following report of the … Continue reading

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A Spectacular Orchid

Three FOBIF members recently went to Old Coach Road in the Fryers Ranges to have a look at the Giant Sun Orchid Thelymitra aristata. In contrast to our normal small orchids this one was 81 cm (32 in)  and can apparently reach … Continue reading

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Honeyeaters raise the alarm

Sitting quietly in my garden I get to watch Silvereyes as they go about their foraging. These beautiful little birds are quite common in local gardens. If you remain still you can often be rewarded with very close views. Silvereyes … Continue reading

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Woolley Bear munches on a Greenhood

Doug Ralph has taken another terrific photo of a Woolly Bear, this time upon a Greenhood. The two holes you can see suggest feeding has begun. The caterpillars of the Arctiidae are mostly covered in dark hairs, which gives them the name … Continue reading

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Garden birds around Castlemaine

Damian Kelly was the guest speaker at the FOBIF AGM in August. His presentation was about observing local birds in our gardens and he included many excellent photos, including the three below, of birds from his Lyttleton Street garden. Damian … Continue reading

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‘The only effective way of measuring change’

The August meeting of the Castlemaine Field Naturalists Club featured a talk by Ern Perkins on systematic environmental monitoring over time: ‘the only effective way of measuring change.’ The following report is based on a more detailed account in the … Continue reading

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