Category Archives: Nature Observations

Golden Orb Weavers are about

The Golden Orb Weaver Nephila edulis is reasonable common in our local bush. At this time of year the females are mature and able to construct large wheel-shaped orb webs. In certain lights these strong webs look golden, thus the name. Their egg sacs … Continue reading

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Happy new year

It’s been a dry 2014—only 473.9 mls of rainfall in Castlemaine, against a long term average of over 560 mls: and the bush is hunkering down for a long dry summer. There are still flashes of colour around the place, … Continue reading

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‘Where the slime mould creeps’

It sounds like the scenario of a horror movie, but Sarah Lloyd’s, explanation of the world of myxomycetes–Where the slime mould creeps— is anything but. Slime moulds produce spores, like fungi, but they also share characteristics with animals: at one … Continue reading

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‘What a way to make a living’

The insect pictured below is Harpobittacus australis, a species of scorpion fly. The creature isn’t just having some quiet down time appreciating the beauty of the Yam Daisy. It’s hard at work. The Project Noah website says of it: ‘Their … Continue reading

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Snakes alive–and dead

The photo below shows an Eastern Brown snake [Pseudonaja textilis—‘brown’ is a pretty broad description: the snake can be any shade of brown from almost orange to nearly black] crossing the Irishtown Track in the Fryerstown forest last week. The … Continue reading

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Burning boronias

Last week DEPI conducted a management burn in the area designated Fryerstown Block 5, a 44 hectare roughly triangular block between the Campbells Creek Irishtown Road and the Chewton-Vaughan road [see map below]. The fire was designated Asset Protection: the … Continue reading

Posted in Fire Management, Nature Observations | 1 Comment

Now, what’s this about Gough’s Range?

Not too many people visit Gough’s Range State Forest, roughly midway between Welshman’s Reef and Maldon. This small [161 ha] forest will be getting a few extra visitors in the 2016-17 management burning season, however. It’s down for a DEPI … Continue reading

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Here we go again

The cup moth [Doratifera] grub is at it again: the damage perhaps a bit patchier than the last infestation. The grub is pretty undiscriminating in its appetite, but appears to prefer stringybarks [Eucalyptus macrohyncha] in our area. The Bendigo Field … Continue reading

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The time to get out is NOW

It’s always a good time to get out for a stroll in our bushlands: all seasons have their appeal. Arguably, though, this year seems to be peaking right now for orchids and wildflowers. Given that we’ve had a pretty dry … Continue reading

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Heave ho! Weightlifter goes for gold

You often see fungi thrusting up through soil crust, but mushrooms heaving rocks out of the way are less common. The photo below shows one such effort. We weighed the stone at 725 grams! Fungi often perform remarkable weightlifting feats. … Continue reading

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