Author Archives: fobif

Smutta’s Track: an update

We have received a reply from DSE District Manager Steve Nicholson to our concerns about the conduct of the autumn Smutta’s Track burning operation [see below Smutta’s Track management burn]. It reads in part: ‘Following the ignition, and through subsequent … Continue reading

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‘Victoria’s largest example of landscape recovery?’

Researchers from Charles Sturt and Latrobe Universities have suggested that more bushland is returning through natural regeneration than through tree planting or fencing out of remnants. Based on research on an area between Heathcote and Rushworth, they concluded that as … Continue reading

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Bridal Creeper meeting

On April 18 FOBIF and other environmental groups met in Castlemaine with Shauna Potter, national bridal creeper coordinator, to discuss methods of control for this increasingly worrying weed. Conscious of the rampant spread of the creeper, we undertook a small … Continue reading

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Smutta’s Track management burn

Smutta’s track, near Irishtown in the Castlemaine Diggings NHP, was burned by DSE in Autumn as part of the Bendigo Fire Protection Plan. The bush at the time was quite damp, so much so that we wondered at the point … Continue reading

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After the burn off

FOBIF members have made several visits to the south end of the Diggings Park to monitor the effects of a very severe management burn conducted near the Wewak track in Autumn last year. On our latest visit, on February 7, we … Continue reading

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It’s pretty, but it’s a weed

Ian Higgins identified this flower as a Gladiolus specie, probably G.undulatus. It is a weed that several FOBIF members found growing in great numbers beside a roadside in Sutton Grange. Unfortunately, as in the case of Gazanias, Gladiolus undulatus, it is still sold … Continue reading

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