Author Archives: fobif

Beautiful weeds

The lovely foliage in the picture below belongs to the Cootamundra wattle, Acacia baileyana, which is in prolific flower in our region this month. Unfortunately, the Cootamundra is a good example of the rule that most weeds are quite beautiful. … Continue reading

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More than wildflowers

Two FOBIF members recently visited the south end of the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park to see what was in flower. Common Heath Epacris impressa in its pink and white forms was everywhere. Downy Grevillea Grevillea alpina, Bushy Needlewood Hakia … Continue reading

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Nuggetty Walk

Thirteen people braved the cold, foggy and wet conditions on the July FOBIF walk to the Rock of Ages. This magical site is situated on top of Mount Moorul which is a couple kilometres north of Maldon. It is part of … Continue reading

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CMA responds on creek clearance

At the FOBIF AGM a question was put to the Catchment Management Authority’s Damian Wells about vegetation clearance along Barkers and Campbells Creeks. We’ve had the following response from the CMA this week: ‘The CMA inspected sites in the region … Continue reading

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Building on flood plains: a long tradition

After our July 13 report on the Catchment Management Authority’s problems trying to prevent people building on flood plains at Echuca and Creswick, FOBIF member Geoff Hannon has alerted us to a document that shows this isn’t a recent problem. … Continue reading

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Broom attack on Mount Alexander

FOBIF members in April alerted Parks Victoria to the existence of a substantial and dense clump of English Broom on the east side of Mount Alexander. We had not previously noticed this pestiferous weed on the Mount, although it is … Continue reading

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Nature Conservation Reserves

Over a dozen Field Naturalists braved the cold last Saturday during a 2 hour visit to the Walmer South Nature Conservation Reserve. This was the first of a series of excursions to collect information on the ecological values and environmental condition … Continue reading

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Floods: keeping ‘out of harm’s way’

The North Central region had between four and seven times its long term rainfall average in January this year, and Castlemaine had five times its long term average. The rainfall between September and January was unprecedented, and came into an … Continue reading

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Reports come flooding in

Coincidentally, the Comrie Report on the 2010-11 floods has just been released. Although the report concentrates on the performance of emergency services, it does contain some enlightening remarks which underline Damian Wells’s  argument. For example: ‘It is important to understand … Continue reading

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FOBIF Elections 2011

At the AGM on Monday July 11, Public Officer Chris Morris announced that the following nominations had been received before the meeting: President: Marie Jones Vice President: Nev Cooper Secretary: Bernard Slattery Treasurer: Bronwyn Silver Committee Members: Frank Panter, Kylie … Continue reading

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