Author Archives: fobif

The sounds of spring, part 2

Black-faced Cuckoo Shrikes Coracina novaehollandiae are another arrival that have a loud and distinctive call. These birds can often be seen flying about or calling from high points, often on dead branches. Please upgrade your browser A less common migrant, … Continue reading

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Researching Forest Creek

Sixty-five people turned out at Robin Ballinger’s talk on the environmental history of Forest Creek on 8 September. Robin used many early documents and maps to demonstrate the interaction between the indigenous people, squatters, goldminers and the local environment. She … Continue reading

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It’s all happening at Bells Swamp

After an extended dry period, Bells Swamp has now flooded so extensivley that it has swallowed up the main road as well. The large extent of water has encouraged a wide range of birds and the former main road provides … Continue reading

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Muckleford Forest: proposed DSE Fire Operations Plan fuel reduction burn

DSE held a meeting at the SEC Dam, Muckleford Forest, on Thursday 21st September at 10 a.m. as part of its community consultation process. Chris Johnson wrote the following report on the meeting. Who was there from DSE: Steve Nicholson … Continue reading

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FOBIF September walk

Twenty-six people enjoyed sunny spring weather on the September FOBIF walk. The walk followed bush tracks to the north and east of Expedition Pass Reservoir. Marie Jones provided a fascinating commentary on the changing landscape based on her intimate knowledge of … Continue reading

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The sounds of spring, part 1

Each spring a variety of birds migrate back into the area for breeding. Hence the forests become alive with the calls of these species that haven’t been heard in the area for quite a while. This post introduces you to … Continue reading

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Buff-banded Rail in Marie and John’s yard

This Buff-banded Rail, Gallirallus philippensis stayed in Marie Jones and John Ellis’ house yard for two days and enjoyed the easy food pickings. With no cats it didn’t have too much to worry about. This is the first time they have … Continue reading

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Moss Identification Field Day

The next Moss Identification Field Day is on Saturday 8 October at 10 am. The group will be meeting at Clinkers Hill Bushland Reserve. Bring hand lenses and record books. If you would like to find out more about this … Continue reading

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Moss and liverwort field guide

To assist in the identification of mosses for the proposed field guide, scanned diagrams can be downloaded here. If you are interested in joining the Moss and Liverwort Field Guide group, ring Beth Mellick on 5472 1316.

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Small birds, part 4

Other common birds you are likely to see in the forests include the Silvereye Zosterops lateralis which frequents a range of habitats from town gardens to open forest. They often move about in flocks searching for food. A bird that … Continue reading

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