Author Archives: fobif

Grasslands morning with Newstead Landcare

Victoria’s beautiful native grasslands were the ecosystems that attracted European settlement in the 1800s. As a result, they are one of our most diminished natural splendours and resources. But they still live in our area and can be seen and … Continue reading

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Favourite wildflower place to be burnt

The following article was contributed by Frances Cincotta. I nearly skittled a Stump-tailed Lizard (Tiliqua rugosa, also known as Shingleback) that was basking on Demo Track this sunny afternoon. Luckily my car pulled up in time and the ancient-looking creature … Continue reading

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Are there Platypus in your local creeks?

The North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) along with the Newstead Landcare Group invites you to join us at a Platypus information night. The Australian Platypus Conservancy will present an illustrated talk about the amazing platypus and how you can … Continue reading

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DSE changes proposed fire management zones

Chris Johnson wrote the following report: Local residents from Green Gully, Muckleford and Muckleford South, supported by local naturalists and groups such as Newstead Landcare and FOBIF, have been successful with their submission to have the proposed fire management zones … Continue reading

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Second moss and liverwort field day

Moss and Liverwort enthusiasts enjoyed a second field day led by Cassia Read at Clinkers Hill Bushland Reserve on the morning of 8 October. They identified, photographed and recorded another 10 mosses and a liverwort for the planned brochure. The … Continue reading

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An interesting Greenhood

Two FOBIF members recently went to the Wewak Track hoping to see the Matted Bush-pea Pultenaea pedunculata in flower. This creeper covers vast areas and is spectacular when in flower. Unfortunately we were a week or two too early. We did … Continue reading

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Sutton Grange Organic Farm

Can you farm in a different way? Is farmland degraded land? These are two of the questions Ann-Marie Monda and Carla Meurs from Sutton Grange Organic Farm addressed in their inspiring and informative presentation to Connecting Country’s AGM on 26 … Continue reading

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Illegal dumping of green waste

In August FOBIF wrote to Mount Alexander Shire suggesting that the issuing of free garden rubbish vouchers to residents might lead to a reduction in the amount of illegal dumping of green waste in our forests. We have received the … Continue reading

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Looking more closely at the Selwyn map

Recently we posted an piece on the 1853 Selwyn map. We have found out that quarter sheets of this map are available on this site enabling more detail to be viewed.  Most if not all maps can be downloaded for … Continue reading

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Reporting sick, dead or dying wildlife

Wildlife Health Surveillance Victoria investigates reports of sick and dead wildlife from free ranging populations in Victoria to understand baseline health, detect changes and identify risk factors. The organisation is based at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Melbourne, … Continue reading

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