Author Archives: fobif

Fire management: so what’s new?

DSE is in the process of reviewing its Code of Practice for fire management on public land. The review is being done in the light of the Bushfire Royal Commission’s recommendation 59. This recommendation required that the Code  ‘provide a … Continue reading

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Next Moss and Liverwort Group activity

The Moss and Liverwort Group will be holding their third activity on 26 November at 10.30am at 8 Preshaw Street, Castlemaine. Cass Read is going to lead people through this session which will look closely at the 20 most common local … Continue reading

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Monitoring the Box Ironbark Thinning Trials

A re-monitoring of the Box Ironbark Thinning Trials begun in 2005 is currently underway in four locations across the Box Ironbark estate, including Castlemaine. The company undertaking the monitoring, Australian Ecosystems, is in need of some volunteers to assist with … Continue reading

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Eucalypt Identification Workshops

The Eucalypt Identification Worshops organised by Connecting Country are now booked out for Castlemaine and Maldon but spaces are still available for Sutton Grange and Newstead. More details about the course and booking information can be found on the Connecting … Continue reading

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Reminder about Chilean Needle Grass Workshop

The Tarrengower Cactus Control Committee is hosting a workshop to help people identify and control the Chilean Needle Grass weed this Sunday 30 October from 10.30am – 12.30pm. More information can be found here.

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Last walk for 2011

Doug Ralph led the last FOBIF walk for the year on 16 October. The walk began at the Garfield Water Wheel and followed the water race to Quartz Hill along Sailers Gully. This water race supplied the Water Wheel. Along the … Continue reading

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Out and about in the Muckleford Forest

I always find that the call of the Peaceful Dove is enticing, but it can be a hard bird to actually locate. The call seems to move about and getting a fix can be hard. When you do, the view … Continue reading

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Spider Mites do their thing

Gorse-controlling spider mites were released near the Loddon Prison about 15 years ago. The mite has spread far and wide and is having a big effect on gorse in some areas. You can find more about these mites on this DPI … Continue reading

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New blog on Muckleford Forest

Chris Johnson has started a new blog on Muckleford Forest. It contains up-to-date information on this season’s past and forthcoming DSE burns in that area. Chris made the following observations about last Friday’s burn: I was dismayed to see that … Continue reading

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What Eucalypt is that?

Connecting Country is presenting half day Eucalypt Identification Workshops in four locations across the Mount Alexander region. Each workshop aims to provide participants with the skills needed to identify some of the common eucalypt species to be found in the … Continue reading

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